Here are some pictures from our representatives around the world.
Cambodia - The VGR team traveled to Takeo province to show some believers how to install and use the newly offered Khmer Table app.
India - Several converts were baptized in Maharashtra state after a tape service.
India - The VGR office in Chenai has continued to receive visitors and has also been recording into the Tamil language.
Pakistan - A baptismal service was held near Karachi, where several new converts accepted water baptism.
Philippines - Agapao Tablet distribution continued in the Pangasinan region.
Mexico and Central America
Mexico - The team from central Mexico was busy updating tablets and replacing older ones in Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Mexico - The team from Central Mexico also visited other towns in the state of Jalisco.
El Salvador - The Agapao tablet distribution has continued, this trip was to the city of Canton Piedra Rajada.
Mexico - Brother Francisco is on a 4 week long distribution trip to Northern Mexico and Baja California. He has been visiting believers, checking on their tablets, fixing or replacing tablets, and also distributing about 200 new tablets to those who have not received any. He also baptized at least one new convert while on his trip and one group of children was eager to share with him their Creations project.
Colombia - The VGR Colombia office distributed almost 775 tablets in 18 services over 24 days to the believers of the Cali area.
Paraguay - Book distribution has not completely stopped, in Paraguay several ministers came to receive message material.
Cameroon - brothers and sisters in Cameroon enjoyed taking part in the Creations project on the Seven Seals.
Cameroon - A small group of believers in Yaoundé, gathered together to do the Creations activity to commemorate the anniversary of the Mysterious Cloud. Brothers and sisters of all ages, including parents, participated in the activity.
3 - Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo - Many youth gathered together in Nzassi, Congo Brazzaville to participate in activities to celebrate the anniversary of the Mysterious Cloud. As can be seen, they had a wonderful time gathering together to honor such a supernatural event.
4 - Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo - Brothers and sisters in Brazzaville, enjoying the Creations project on the Seven Seals.
5 - Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo - Brother Maxime Kibinda was nominated as the new VGR Librarian in Dolisie, Congo Brazzaville.
Equatorial Guinea - What a blessing it is to see a family working together on the Seven Seals Creations project. Keep up the great work!
Gabon - Some of the youth in Gabon gathered together to take part in some YF activities.
Ghana - The VGR office in Tema has continued working on translations into the Ewe and Asante Twi Languages.
Togo - Some brothers and sisters in Togo recently got together to work on the Seven Seals project. As you can see, they did a wonderful job.
Zimbabwe - Agapao tablet distribution continued, this time in the village of Buhera.
Madagascar - The Madagascar studio has also been hard at work. The following pictures show the Malagasy team translating, recording, and proofing the translations.
Zambia - The VGR Zambia office has been busy; tending to the mailing lists and recording into the Lozi language. They also recorded, for the first time ever, into the Luvale language. We also received pictures from the VGR library in Isoka.
South Africa - The translation work continues at the VGR Durban office as does the street witnessing, which this time took place in the Eerste River area.
Malawi - A baptism was held at the VGR office.
Romania - Agapao tablet distribution was also ongoing in Romania.