
We appreciate everyone who takes the time to give us your thoughts and testimonies on branham.org. We hope you enjoy just a few of the hundreds of messages we receive from God's people all over the world.

This testimony has changed my life.

What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL sister, with stunning character! May God bless you my dear sister! I can't wait to greet you on the other side, where the battle scars will be gone!

Reading this testimony again drove me to my knees in repentance. I felt ashamed of my life and the time I have complained over small trials and testings.

May our Lord Jesus Christ visit these brethren, the way he visited Paul and Silas and opened the prisons gates.

May Papa God send His Angel with the softest hands to comfort and encourage each one!

I did four combat tours in Iraq, and I know firsthand how they feel about Christians. I will be praying for these brothers and their families.

God knows just when to move!

Surely, I have been Blessed by reading this powerful testimony from a young daughter of God!

Sister Raissa God bless you. I am amazed at your faith at such a young age. Truly, God gave you the strength and faith to go through something like that. Your testimony is a great blessing. No matter what it looked like, or how much you suffered, you never gave up. I pray the joy of the Lord will always be your strength.

What else would I add to top such a testimony? Only "Glory to God, the Almighty!"

Your outlook throughout your suffering is a wonderful example to all of us; I cried as I read. How wonderful that you actually witnessed souls being saved over it.

My mom was a young girl living in Mexico at the time when the Cloud appeared in the sky. She remembers it vividly. She asked her parents about it, and they told her the USA was doing something in the sky. It would be years later when God would show my parents the Message and reveal the truth of that event.

Wow, I felt in my heart to listen to the Quote of the day tape, It Is the Rising of the Sun. Brother Branham is talking all about the Cloud. How great is our God!

I myself has been a recipient of God' love, grace, mercy and healing power in my life. More than six years ago, God healed me of breast cancer. Oh, how I love Him so much for He has not only healed me but gave me salvation and the baptism of Holy Spirit! Praise be to God.

I just wept and wept when I read this, the touch of the Master's hand.

I am in the office reading this testimony, and I had to refrain myself from shouting. Praise be His Holy Name.

All Glory to God. Oh, I appreciate you Lord Jesus Christ for sparing this young brother's life. I already call him a brother because I believe the same God who physically protected him will take care of his soul.

He is a very present help in time of need.

Yes, I believe in a God who can blind or make us invisible to the enemy. Glory to God. I am so encouraged to see that the devil is already defeated.

We will understand it better by and by, as the song writer said it. This is truly remarkable.

Wow, this is what the Message is all about. How we can all relate to this testimony. We’ve all been in prison to the world, but by God’s amazing Grace, we are now prisoners to HIM!

Thank you for sharing these lifesaving testimonies with us. I could only clap every time I hit an Amen word.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for delivering our brother and setting him free. This is another encouragement for my wayward loved ones.

Oh, how I rejoice with this young brother and his dear family over such a marvelous, outstanding victory the Lord our God performed in their lives! How I wish that his glorious testimony could be read by every prisoner in every prison. If only it could be put up on every billboard across this nation and other nations as a deterrent to all, both men and women, boys and girls who might think that drugs, and living without Christ will serve them well when in truth brings, it only brings sorrow, death and destruction.