Easter fell on April 18 in 1965, so Brother Branham has returned home to his Tabernacle to preach this resurrection message. Here are a few highlights from "It Is The Rising Of The Sun."
And then in Sabino Canyon, one morning like this, while in prayer, there had been a sword placed in my hand, and said, “This is the Word, and the Sword of the Word.”
Marriage, divorce, serpent’s seed, all these different questions, has been completely revealed to us, not by man, but by God, Himself, that’s opened those seven mysteries.
Just turn the picture from this, the way they had it; this a way, the way it's supposed to be. And you... Can you see it? ["Amen."] He is Supreme Judge. There is none other but Him. And that is a perfect identification again, a vindication that this Message is the Truth.
Now, that it is the greatest week in history, the greatest celebration of all times, this Easter is where He proved what He had said.
And the Spirit of God moved upon that water, and said, “Let there be light.” God had a reason to do that, for down beneath that water there was seeds that He had planted, and it had to have that sunlight to make it live.
But this time, when the sun rose, there was a--a dual sunrising; another, Son, rising. It was the... not only s-u-n rising, it was the S-o-n had risen to bring Eternal Life to all God’s promised Seed that by foreknowledge He had seen laying upon the earth.
But never a news, never was there news like this news, that, He Who made the promise has confirmed the promise, that, “He’s alive forevermore, and have the keys of both death and hell, in His hand.”
O God, how in this last day there shall be Light again across the earth! “And I’ll prove to My disciples! Go tell them that I am not dead, and I’m not a tradition, but I am a living Christ. I’ll meet them. Take this Message to My disciples, that I am risen from the dead,” the Gospel, good news.
I’m afraid today that too many of us are not getting people to Christ. We’re getting them to a church, to a theory. But we must get them to Christ. He is the only One, and the only One that has Life.
On Easter morning, not only did He raise, but His beneficiaries raised with Him.
We are the benefactors of His resurrection, quickened after being dead in the world, in sin and trespasses. “He has quickened us together with Him, raised with Him, now sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
And, today, because He was the first Son of God to come to full maturity, to be in God, He was plucked up from the earth and is waved over the people. Oh, what a glorious lesson! By the quickening Power, the first One!
And to be waved again, we realize, in the last day, according to Luke 17:30, in the Son day again, “in the day that the S-o-n of man will be revealed,” or waved again over the people.
He was the Firstfruits of those that slept. In the Bride, coming of Christ, coming out of the church, there’ll have to be a Sheaf waved again in the last days. Oh, my!
“Because I live, ye live also,” speaking to His Wife.
We have put too much stress on the Mechanics and nothing on the Dynamic. It needs the dynamic Power of God, the resurrection Power of Jesus Christ upon the Church, to manifest and to bring to pass that This is gasoline.
But there has got to come One! Hallelujah! There has to come a real Bride! There must come One that’s not only got the Mechanics, but the Dynamics of It, makes that Church live, move in the Power of His resurrection.
Until that Church becomes both Dynamics and Mechanics; and the Spirit of God, that moved Him, to do the things that He did! If He hit on sixteen cylinders, so will the Bride. Amen!
That’s that Divine revelation of the Word made flesh. If It was flesh in that day by the Son, the Groom, It’s the flesh today by the Bride. See? “Whosesoever sins you remit, to them they are remitted; whosesoever sins you retain, to them they are retained.”
Now, when you get the Dynamics, you have been quickened from mortal to immortality. It makes the whole body come subject to the Word. It’ll make you act different, look different, live different.
It changed them. It quickened them. It made them different. They were a changed people, from then on. It quickened them, from an old life of being a coward, to like the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
But, remember, He went there with you in Him. See, God had never separated the Bride from the Groom, yet. So when God looked down upon the body of Christ, He saw both male and female. It was all redeemed in that one body. See? They are one, same, same Word. The same Word, spoke of the Groom, speaks of the Bride.
Remember, He became you, He stood your punishment, that you might stand in His place. He stood in your place, that you might stand in His place.
The abstract title! The debt is settled. Everything against it has been struck off. Ha-ha-ha! Glory! I may act silly, but I feel good. Notice. See? Oh, an abstract deed, do you realize what that means? Do you realize what that means, brother? There is nothing can take it away from you. Amen. I am a holder. Amen.
How about now with the Spirit of the Man, God Himself, upon you, see, how much more quickening Power do we have!
And so is it today, we don’t try to be some big person. We don’t care what’s people say about us. Our name ain’t nothing; it’s His Name. Our life, it’s nothing; it’s His Life. It’s His Power, not our power. And there is only one thing that we love to do, is see Him glorified.
No, you don’t say, “Well, I hope I make it.” You’ve already made it. Not, “I will make it.” I’ve already made it. I never made it; He made it for me. See? Not me; Him!