This Message Is A Reality!

Shalom my Beloved, I just want to testify the love of my Precious Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, the God of this Message is a reality. In December I went to my gynecologist because of pain and bleeding. After examining me he found a fibroid. The doctor told me that the fibroid was badly placed and that it acted like an IUD (form of birth control). Since my husband and I want to have a baby, this was not good because it could block the development of the future embryo. Given its location and size, it was imperative that he operate on me as soon as possible. So we set the date of the operation for January 15, 2020.

On January 9, I also had an appointment with the anesthetist for the operation to remove the fibroid. I was a little discouraged, but I simply put this situation into the hands of the Lord and asked my pastor to pray for me. On Wednesday mornings we make prayer chains with my sisters. So the day before the appointment, Wednesday January 8, I gave them my request. Then during our family prayer meeting in the evening, Bob, my husband, told me that he was not wanting to go through with this operation, and neither was I. We then prayed that the Lord Jesus (the Great Physician Himself) would intervene beforehand.

When I was praying, I thought of the story that Brother Branham tells about a sister that God Himself operated on and healed. I identified with her and told God that He is the Great Surgeon. So on Thursday morning, the 9th, I went to the anesthetist’s appointment. Just afterwards, as I had pain in my lower abdomen (I felt like a weight in my uterus), I went to the gynecological emergency room. In the emergency room the doctor examined me and said, "Mrs. there is something wrong with your cervix." The doctor took tweezers and removed a lump and said, "It's the fibroid your body has evacuated it by itself." She then did an ultrasound and confirmed to me that there was no trace of the fibroid.

I give glory to our God because He answers our prayers. Now I know that the same God who healed me of this fibroid is the same God who will also give us our baby this year. May God richly bless you.

Your sister in Christ,

Charleine NGOY