This sister shares her testimony of how she made a stand for her faith and made up her mind that she would completely seperate from her school. However, the Lord had other things in mind.
I would like to share a testimony on how wonderful our Lord to me is. I have always loved to attend the live streaming service at the Branham Tabernacle. But the time in our place was 12 hours ahead from the time in Jeffersonville, so I would have to be absent every Monday from school. Some of my classmates and teacher noticed it and have asked me, so I explained to them the reason. They said there is a possibility that my grades would get low, but I wasn’t worried about it. I just continued attending the service. Then there came a time that our adviser told us that we would have a new uniform and the skirt must be above the knee. I immediately told my teacher that I’m not allowed to wear that kind of skirt, but he only replied that if I can’t wear that kind of skirt then maybe I should wear slacks instead. I told my parents about it and from that time, I decided to stop my schooling because, for me, the Message is much more important than my schooling. I thought I could be free from trials and temptations on that time, but I was wrong. I have more battles than I have when I was still schooling. I prayed to God about it and it seems like there is no response. Two weeks has passed and I’m still in battle but I just keep on praying. One day, I read the Quote of the Day on January 5 and my heart leaped for joy. This was the Quote:
And remember, the very time that the sleeping virgin went to buy the oil, that’s when the Bridegroom came. Glory. Don’t you see it? If the Presbyterians and the Episcopalians and those others, are come seeking for the Holy Ghost, you’d better get your lamp trimmed. Trimmed, trimmed, yes, it needs trimming. Pentecost, better be trimming some lamps. Amen. Get a lot of this world cut away from you. You done got corroded over. The wicks got in bad shape. You know that wick is a great thing. I used to watch. What a real wick of God is a—a believer, is a wick. Look, he’s got a fire on one end, up here, and the other end’s dipped into oil, drawing oil and making fire. What a—what a church, what a power. What a place to be. Hallelujah.
Shining that same Gospel light that shines in the east, is shining in the west. It shall be light in the evening time. Rise, trim your lamp, Pentecost. Trim off the world; trim off the fashions of the world; trim off the things of the world. Get ready; the hour is at hand.
61-0216 - The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1

God has never forsaken me; He has reminded me again and has answered my prayers. A day after that, my friends visited me and tried to persuade me to go back to school, I would smile and answer, “No.” On the same day, five of my teachers came to visit me. They asked me regarding on my absence issue, so I explained to them why. I know that it was God who had changed my teacher’s mind because my adviser said that I can now wear a long skirt in school, and we would talk at the principal’s office regarding my every Monday absence. Although I’m a little bit sad because I really wanted to stop, I thought if this is God’s will, then I will follow it. Me and my mom went to school on Monday afternoon, and I know that God is with us at that time because after some little talks, the principal and my teacher told me that they will consider my absence every Monday. I went back to school after that. I don’t know how; I can’t explain why, but something happened inside of me. Then I realized that our plans are not His plans, our ways are not His ways. I thank God for everything that He did for me. I thank Him for leading me back to His perfect will. God’s ways are always perfect, and even if great trials will come in my life and in yours too, I know He will make a way.
He has already done it for me, and I know that He will do it for you because He is Hebrews 13:8.
Your Sister in Christ
Lily Vale Alo