
There are testimonies that give you courage, and some that make you cry. Others apply directly to your life. And then there are some that put a big smile on your face. Here are a few of those smiles.

Tape Church?

I just wanted to share something my seven-year-old son said that made me laugh. We were driving home and stopped at a main intersection. He noticed a sign to the left in front of an Mexican restaurant that read "Thursday’s Tapas." He asked me, "Mom, is that a church? because it says 'Tapes.'" I looked and read it, and chuckled. I explained to him what it really said, and that it is close to the word "tapes."

Sister Leah, Canada

Heir Of All Things

I was walking with my boys through a hallway in a public place, and I noticed my five-year-old son was tapping all the plants with a stick he had as we passed them. I mentioned, “Adam, please don’t do that, it’s not ours, and we shouldn’t touch their plants.” His response was one I won’t forget. “Mom, but it is mine, Brother Branham said in church last week that I am heir to all things in heaven and earth, and that I own all of it anyways.”

Sister Rachel, IN


My wife and three of our children were flying home from AZ last week. The gate agent made some kind of comment to our seven-year-old son, David, trying to be funny. She said something like, "That sounded like Arnold, right? You know who Arnold is don't you?" (I'm guessing some kind of Hollywood personality) David shook his head, “Yes.” They walk away and his sister Elainah, who is 9, and probably doubting he knows, asks David, "Who's Arnold?" His reply, "Arnold von Winkelried!"

Brother Philip, PA

The Right Time

I was working at the office and a verse came on my mind: Be still and know that I'm God. So, I decided to look for a wallpaper for my phone with this sentence. I typed branham.org on my browser, clicked in multimedia, then wallpaper.

I couldn't find any so, I went to google.com and searched, but none kept my attention. Suddenly, at that moment my cell phone beeped and there it was a notification from the Lifeline app! I thought "this is strange" because I've never received a notification from this app before (I had installed the app few days ago). I clicked and guess what, A wallpaper saying: "Be still and know that I'm God". I certainly almost fell off the chair! Thank you for the wallpaper, God sent it to me in the right time!

Sister Alana, Brazil

Born Again

This might bring a smile. While sitting and relaxing a few weeks ago, a horrible thought crossed my mind. I have grown in grace enough to recognize the enemy and went immediately to battle. Rebuking it, telling satan, “I am a child of God and that wasn’t my thought.” I happened to glance up, as a kid walked by with his hat turned backwards, it read BORN AGAIN!



You say, “Now, Brother Branham, we're sure that you're a soothsayer now.” Just a loophole.
I said, “Brother, any man that would put that kind of an intelligence in a grasshopper, he'd jump backwards.”

Brother Branham