The Body Of Christ In Action

So we was riding around some big river bluff, and all at once, my windshield just become white. And I heard my wife say, “Bill?” And it been about five minutes later. And I had seen old Brother Bosworth get off of a train and was stricken down. They took him to a hospital, and the Lord said, “Pray for him right at once.” And I pulled on the brakes; she said, “You don't mean you've been having a vision all this time?” Said, “You've been setting there about ten minutes driving around a bluff a hundred feet below me, like that, and said, “And you…”

I said, “I didn't know nothing about it.”

And oh, stopped, we got out and prayed for Brother Bosworth, went home. That was on a Saturday, and on Sunday night, about the same time, just before going down to the Tabernacle… Well, the phone kept ringing, and so they was answering it, and finally said, “This is long distance, a…” I mean the operator out of Louisville, my home town's a small one, so exchange… The Western Union closes up about six o'clock, so they called me out of Louisville. And said, “Come to the phone.” And said, “Rev. Branham, Rev. Bosworth sends a telegram from South Africa, and wants you to have prayer for him.” And that was signed by Brother Yeager, over there, one of the Presidents of the big association.

So I said, “Lady, could you tell me what time that—that telegram left Africa?”

She said, “Oh, yes.” And she told me when it left. And I went and got the Pan-American chart that I had, and you know what? It was just twenty-four hours from the time that Brother Bosworth started that telegram over here, the Angel of the Lord beat it here twenty-four hours, and told me to pray for Brother Bosworth. And this… The Angel of the Lord had spoke to me. And time I could get him back on the telephone, the Lord had already healed him, and he's up and going. That's the love in contact.

Oh, brother. You talk about telephone. My, God's got that beat a million miles. The Angels of the Lord are encamped about those who fear Him. And how His marvelous works…

55-0610 Do You Now Believe?

Prayer is a very special thing to God's children. It is God's way for us to speak with Him, know His Will, and also bring the petitions of our brethren before Him. The First Epistle of John tells us, "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him." Isn't it wonderful when the Lord puts someone on our heart, and we know that our prayer is according to His Perfect Will? Then, we have the confidence that He hears us, and we will receive what we have asked for.

This brother’s testimony is a good reminder to be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit in our lives. He may not speak to us through a vision, but He has something special for each of us to do.

Last night, as we were having family prayer and while we are kneeled around the bedside, my grandmother was mentioned in my wife’s prayer. We have different prayer requests during prayer time, but this time when her name was spoken, it was though “something” nudged me about it, and I felt she was in need. My grandparents live several states away.

My little boys began to pray and then my wife, but when it came to my grandmother being mentioned, something struck me again. Well, it was maybe another ten minutes with the family at the bedside, but even after saying goodnight to the boys, I couldn’t get grandma off my mind. “Go call your grandmother” kept ringing in my heart. Just as soon as I left the room, I dialed grandmother. We hadn’t talked but a minute, but I could tell she was concerned about something, and then she said, “Grandpa is out in the hall, his blood pressure is up, and the nursing staff is assessing him right now, let's pray for him.”

It turned out just before calling, my grandpa had gone out in the hallway with the nurse at the assisted living facility, checking his vitals. He is 96 years old. And after looking at the timing, this happened just minutes before, right when we were having family prayer almost a thousand miles away.

I prayed with grandmother and called out to the Lord for grandpa. After prayer we discussed how maybe the Lord had me call for him at that moment, her not knowing what had happened during our family prayer time just a few minutes prior.

We talked a little longer and grandma mentioned it was taking a little longer. She said, “Let’s wait and see if he comes back in.” Just then grandpa came in the room, and his blood pressure had dropped and all was well. God works on both ends of the line. Praise the Lord!

I am so thankful for his mercy to our family, and to know His Word cannot fail… “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

Brother M.H.