The Eagles Gathering Together

Dear One Of Them,

How happy and blessed is His Bride today. No matter what the world is going through, no matter what is going on around us, no matter what tests and trials Satan tries to place upon us, no matter what sickness or sorrows, we are anchored in His Word, and our compass can ONLY point to our North Star: His Word, This Message, our Absolute, and we have NOTHING to fear. We are at rest with Him.

Once again we have one of the greatest opportunities that has ever been given to His Bride. We can bow our heads, shut out the world and create an atmosphere for Him to feel welcome in, so we may praise and worship Him and to tell Him how much we love Him.

Prayer is a sincere thing. Prayer is talking to God. Prayer is not get down, shut your eyes, and thinking about your washing or your work you’re doing, say, “Lord, help me and John, and heal Miss Jones and so forth.” That’s not prayer. That’s repeating some words. But prayer is to come into an atmosphere where you realize that you’re in the Presence of God and you’re moving to then in the deepest of sincerity. First, it’s a worship, “O Jehovah, how I love You.” You see it? Then after the worship of prayer, then you come with a sincere heart asking.

What has He revealed to you in these past few weeks? How much closer are you to Him? Is this Word anchored in your heart like never before? Do you now know, without a doubt, God came and revealed Himself again in human flesh to call out His Bride, and now you KNOW, YOU ARE HIS BRIDE? The answer is: YES

Let us praise and worship Him tonight from around the world, thanking Him for His many blessings He is giving us. Father, may our prayers be a sweet smelling savor going up to You, that You might know how much we love You.

Bro. Joseph Branham