Golden Nuggets

This page could continue on and on, but here are just a few Nuggets we have received over the past couple months that we trust will be a blessing to you. 

Listen, here's a lovely thing, as you serve one another, you're serving God. See? The love of God is in every Christian heart. And be kind to one another. Forgive one another. If you don't see the Scriptures just alike, well, you believe anyhow and--and pray for the other person and just love one another. You'll find there's no greater evidence of a Christian in the world, than love.

53-0907E Healing Line

But with the Divine promise that this Book of Redemption will be perfectly opened by the Lamb, and the Seals thereof will be loosed by the Lamb, in the last days in which we’re living now.

63-0317e The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals

I thank Him for Jesus Christ. For, without sending Him for the—the propitiation of our sins, we’d all be in a big muck of sin, with no hope. But, by His grace, His—His Blood cleanses all sin. Just like the drop of ink in a bucket of Clorox, you’d never find the ink again. When our sins are confessed, it’s put in the Blood of Jesus Christ; they’ll never be known again. God forgets them; they never was even done. And as long as that Sacrifice is laying there in an atonement for us, then that’s all. That’s it, see. We—we’re not sinners no more. We’re Christians, by the grace of God. Remember, in our own selves we’d probably be just as bad as we ever was. But, see, the grace of God has appeared to us, and that’s what has made us what we are today, Christian brothers and sisters.

63-0324e The Seventh Seal

18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.

Obadiah 1:18

Today I was talking with my good friend, Doctor Lee Vayle, who is present now. And he's quite a theologian, and so we usually have some--have some pretty good discussions on the Scripture. Very smart. And he asked me one time what I thought about the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost, "Was it speaking in tongues?" It's been many years ago. I said, "No; can't see that." He said, "Neither do I," said, "though I've been taught that." He said, "What would you think would be an evidence?" I said, "The most perfect evidence I can think of is love." And so we got to talking on that. And then I thought that sounded pretty good so I just held that, "If a man has got love." But one day the Lord, in a vision, straightened me out. And He said, that, "The evidence of the Spirit was those who could receive the Word," neither love, nor speaking in tongues, but it's receiving the Word.

64-0726e Broken Cisterns

Now, It’s wrote mysterious, because no man, nowhere, knows It. God alone, Jesus Christ, see. Now, but is…It is a Book, a mysterious Book. It’s the Book of Redemption. We’ll get into that, in a little while. And now we know that this Book of Redemption will not be thoroughly understood; It’s probed at, through six church ages. But at the end, when the seventh angel begins to sound his mystery, he winds up all of the loose ends that these fellows probed at. And the mysteries comes down from God, as the Word of God, and reveals the entire revelation of God, then the Godhead and everything else is settled. All the mysteries, serpent’s seed, and whatever more, is to be revealed.

63-0317e The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals

Yes, the Holy Spirit uses these people as it's appointed by His own Divine wisdom. But the first thing... Now, what? Let me just give you a little twister here just a minute. I'd say, "How many has the Holy Ghost?" All of you raise up your hand. I'd say, "All right, I'll see if you have." The Bible said that they that had the Holy Ghost sighed and cried day and night for the abominations done in the city. Now, how many hands would go up?

64-0726E Broken Cisterns

Now, the mystery of the Book are revealed when the Seals are broken. And when the Seals completely are broken, the time of redemption is over; because the Lamb left the intercession booth, to walk out to take His claims. He was a Mediator, between that. But when the real revelation happens on the Seals, as They begin to break, the Lamb is coming forth from the sanctuary. It’s according to the Word. We read it last night. He come from the…out of the midst, and took the Book, so He’s no more Mediator. Because, even they called Him a Lion, and that’s—that’s the King, and He is not a Mediator then.

63-0318 The First Seal

Now, now, do you notice? On the opening of this Seventh Seal, it’s also in a threefold mystery. This one, I have…will speak and have spoke, that it is the mystery of the Seven Thunders. The Seven Thunders in Heaven will unfold this mystery. It’ll be right at the Coming of Christ, because Christ said no one knew when He would return.

63-0324e The Seventh Seal

And this Seven-Seal Book, remember, It was closed here, in Revelation the 5th chapter, and in Revelation the 10th chapter It is opened. And now we’re going to see what the Book says about how It become open. And is not made known until the Lamb takes the Book, and breaks the Seals, and opens the Book. See? The Lamb has got to take the Book.

63-0317e The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals

So they’re at the bookstand, and the books and the picture… The picture really isn’t of me. It’s… You don’t buy that for me, because that’s—even changes my expressions and all. Someone said, “Brother Branham, that don’t even look like you.” Let it be that close to you and see what expression and difference it makes you.

58-0508 The Expectations

In the Millennium, we’ll be under the feast of tabernacles, again, in the seventh day. But, then, after the seventh day, we have a Holy Convocation, go back into the Eternal. How? By the Eternal One that came and redeemed us and taken us back, letting us recognize that we were a part of This. Now how do you know you’re a part? Because, that, the Word of the hour, the promise of the day. What is it? A restoration back to the first day, the first. “And he shall restore the hearts of the children back to the fathers,” bringing a restoration again of the pentecostal genuine, not sensations; and will manifest the evening Light, the same Son that showed in the morning Light, as promised for the day. Amen and amen!

64-0802 The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride

And when the Seals are broke, and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea, with a rainbow over His head. Now, remember, this seventh angel is on earth at the time of this Coming. Just as John was giving his message, the same time that Messiah come in the days. John knew he would see Him, because he was going to introduce Him.

63-0317e The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals

Now, we have, in the completion here now, by the grace of God, all the mysteries of the six Seals that’s been sealed up, and we understand and know here that the Seventh Seal is not to be known to the public.

63-0324e The Seventh Seal