
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

Depression, anxiety, and especially nervousness have always been among the enemy’s most used tactics against God's children. This sister found her life in a stranglehold of the enemy. The doctors brought no relief, and her faith was tested for more than two years. It was a long road back, but she found a well-known lifeline in Isaiah’s writings. Here is her testimony.

I want to share my testimony with the Bride of JESUS Christ. I always told myself when I get healed I will share my testimony of how the Lord has healed me.

For two and a half years I have been suffering with hormone issues, depression, and weight loss. It became so bad that I could not function anymore. I could not do my daily chores or even go to the shops. I just wanted to sleep most of the time, and suffered with chronic fatigue as well.

I went to see many doctors, but nothing they gave me seemed to help or bring relief. I prayed to the Lord day and night for my healing, because I knew He was the only one that could deliver me of this condition. Isaiah 53:5 became my lifeline.

It took more than two years, but healing came in the end. I do not know how it happened but I just started feeling better every day, until I realized I was completely healed of all symptoms. I have so much energy now and can work the whole day, but most importantly I have the joy of the Lord back in my life. I cannot thank Him enough for what He has done for me. A miracle took place in my life and I give Him all the glory, praise and honor for HE alone is worthy.

I thank God for the Message of the hour and God's prophet that had the gift of divine healing for the people. The anointing is still on the tapes and messages that Brother Branham preached. Only believe, all things are possible.

God Bless,


South Africa

Now, faith holds it, it wields it. Now you may not be strong enough, that arm of faith, to cut a hole all the way through it, and walk through like some can. But just keep punching, it'll come. Just hold to it.

64-0619 Perseverant