Members Of One Body

25 That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.

26 And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.

I Corinthians 12:25-26

Imagine if the Bride would get into such unity that when one of Her members suffered, the entire Body would join together in prayer and supplication until the enemy was completely driven away. What if we were so dedicated that it did not matter if the healing took place today or months from now, we would stay at our posts of duty UNTIL God heard and His deliverance was manifested? If the Bride set Her mind to that, then there would be no limit to what could happen. With what we have seen during the Agapao Tour and testimonies like these, we are starting to see something happen that the prophet longed to see: A complete unity and love between the entire Body of Jesus Christ. 

This church in Trinidad is an example to what can happen when a body of believers sets their hearts to something powerful. We split the testimony into two parts because of the length. 

Brother Branham said,

Lord Jesus, I had seen it upon other people, but when it come to my own precious wife, it was in my home, then, Lord. I looked at it with my own eyes, felt it with my own hands.


Truly, we have heard it on tape, read it in the Bible, and we believe it with all our hearts, but when it happens right in our homes and we see the Lord bring us the victory, the anchor seems to grip that much deeper and firmer. Here in Trinidad, we are SHOUTING THE VICTORY that Our Lord Jesus brought when He totally delivered our precious Sis Grace Barratt from a nervous breakdown that overcame her six months ago.

Having been brought up in the Message, Sis Grace grew up as an outstanding young Christian, being an example in the home, church, and in her school, so much so that one teacher so admiring the character of the young sister that she named her newborn baby girl after her. At around the age of 16, Grace suffered a nervous breakdown, which affected the entire family and church. Her dad, Bro Felix Dickson, took the fight to the enemy, along with the family and believers, in remaining in prayer and fasting on her behalf for her deliverance. After days without sleep and constant prayer and listening to the Message, he was walking in the home one day when he heard Brother Branham say this in the line of discernment:

Here is a man sitting right here, looking right at me. He is PRAYING FOR HIS FAMILY. He is really not from here. He is from South Carolina. MR. DIXSON. But if he'll just believe with all of his heart, God will grant that blessing to him. Do you believe it, sir? I'm a total stranger to him. I never seen him, in my life. Amen. I never seen him, in my life.


He received that blessing with everything within him and testified of it, and though nothing seemed to change immediately when he heard the Word, she began to improve steadily until after 21 days, when she received total deliverance. She was so perfectly delivered that she in later years was engaged and married to Brother Kashif Barratt, and since then has had four beautiful children, who she has been homeschooling for the last year or so, keeping them under the influence of Cub Corner and this Message. The Lord has specially gifted our sister with an amazing artistic talent which was seen when she did some Cub Corner murals in her home, which was posted on YF. She has used her talent to serve the believers by helping and designing in many weddings and youth events. There was not one trace left of her past experience, neither was it in anyone’s mind that such would happen again, but on the last week of October, 2015, things dramatically changed; this time more severely than the first.

Grace had been working overtime, trying to assist some of the homeschool moms with worksheets for their children. It was just a couple months after the birth of her last baby girl when she made a phone call to her dad to come over to her home, for she was not feeling well. He soon realized that something was definitely wrong. At that same time Grace’s sister, Hadassah, and her husband were in Jeffersonville visiting, and they were called and the gravity of the situation explained. That same night they attended service at the Branham Tabernacle, and a prayer request was sent to the platform. Just before listening to the sermon “63-0122 Remembering the Lord,” the request was read and prayer offered. At that time, back home in Trinidad, the situation worsened, but the family went into prayer and fasting while the family began to stay over at her home to pray and help with the children. As a couple days drew on with no improvement and no sleep for the family or Grace, it was decided in the early hours of Sunday 1st of November to take her to the hospital where they could somehow administer something that would allow her to sleep.

They contacted the couple in Jeffersonville, who again attended service at Branham Tabernacle that Sunday morning. This prayer request was written and sent in.

He referred to it being a desperate situation as the request was read, but he believed that things would change because the Bride of Jesus Christ would go before the Throne of God on her behalf. Prayer was offered and that morning we heard the sermon “Power of Transformation.”

Truly, God’s Transforming Power went to work, as things began to change in the hospital room. After examination, the officials declared that there was no physical problem with her and that she should be admitted to the mental institution for treatment. Knowing that the Lord delivered her the first time by His Word, and having absolutely no desire or leading to leave his wife in the hands of an institution, both her husband and family agreed that they would take her back home.

They were laughed and mocked at by the officials who thought it crazy to do such. However the family came together and purposed that they would make her home an institution where they could pray and take care of her until God brings her total deliverance. As they left the hospital, they recognized a distinct improvement and signs of normalcy with her, and they returned home with an increase in faith, seeing God on the scene.

As the prayer requests were read at the evening service, the update was given on the improvement, and as a prayer of thanksgiving was offered for the good news, Brother Joseph thanked the Lord for sending a legion of angels to raise her up. This prayer brought great comfort to our hearts and was a confirmation that her deliverance was a finished work. That evening we heard the Jubilee tape, “Leadership.”

At this time in Trinidad, things were looking much better, and by the next service at Branham Tabernacle on Wednesday night, before hearing the message “El Shaddai,” we sent in what we thought would be our final update, that she had been reunited with her family and was well. We even took a little video of the reunion in the home. It was so real. We all felt that it was over, AND IT WAS, but somehow it would take a further five months to see the full effects of the prayer and the Word that was spoken.

That very Wednesday night things worsened again, but despite what we were seeing, there was an anchored faith that God will answer. By this time, her sister and husband had already returned home from Jeffersonville to help in the situation. Brother Kashif, her husband, made a gallant stand to remain at home until he saw deliverance, with no idea of the time it would take for it to happen. He being employed in a reputable company as a civil engineer, his bosses empathized with his situation though they were surprised at the move. Thus, her husband was at her side every step of the way throughout the entire experience. This show of faith even brought courage to those who were supporting.

The home was transformed as her room was made a church where they set up speakers through which they would play the Message all day and night. The voice of the prophet was constantly around her, and we would also stream the Tabernacle services and play the recordings of those services. Brother Branham could not only be heard preaching but also singing, as Gospel Hymns were a favorite also. Believers would come by to pray along with family, some sisters would help do housework and cook meals, the family continued the homeschooling of the children and also gathered on mornings and evenings to have devotions and sing with her. At times we would seem to see improvements, at other times, the complete opposite. We would usually have many youth events and activities, but these slowed down, as praying and seeking the Lord became of utmost importance. Events would not be the same with that family missing.

We will post the conclusion of the testimony, about the different quotes that gave courage and how the Resurrection morning provided a powerful miracle, in the days to come.