Members Of One Body #2

Here is the conclusion to yesterday's article about Sister Grace in Trinidad.

As a church, we continued to follow the Jubilee sermons and Tabernacle streaming, and it seemed that every Message had a new meaning, especially when Brother Branham mentioned the words testing, holding to His Word, restoration, or praying through. Everything brought new courage and resolve. Even the testimonies on the branham.org website, Quote of the Day, Golden Nuggets, all came alive because of the experience. Looking back, we thank God for it!

Some outstanding quotes by Brother Branham helped us so much during this time:

And if Satan has robbed you of the privilege of being a son or a daughter of God, we have a right this morning, by the Holy Spirit, to enforce the claim of God. "Bring them back."

If he's afflicted you, and made you sick, we have a right before God to enforce the laws of God. "By His stripes we are healed." Amen. "Bring him back. Turn him loose. You're taking him out here, under death, and we claim him. Bring him back now."

That's the enforcement; restore it back to its natural condition again. A man is sick; baby is sick; woman is sick. See? They're out of their natural condition. Then we have a right to enforce our claim. Not our claim. It's our claim because God give it to us. "By His stripes we were healed. He was wounded for our transgression. With His stripes we were healed." Now we have a right to enforce that law. And the--the law-giver, the Holy Spirit, Himself, is here, the Agent of God, to see that it's done that way. Amen.

62-0422 The Restoration Of The Bride Tree

Another booster came from Golden Nuggets: 

If God come down and healed me positive, right out with a miracle, it wouldn't be as great as it would if I can see the promise of God and take it into my heart, stand there, I can say, "Jesus is now healing me, for I have accepted His Word. It's in my heart. He is now interceding for me before the Father. I shall be well." There's what God loves. Stand there on His Word and say It's right. He's healing me now, every day."

52-0224 Believing God

As we listened to the Hebrews series, these also stood out: 

God loves to bring you in trouble. He loves to put trouble down and see what you'll do about it. So He just stopped up the Red Sea, and the first thing you know, marched them right out into this place, then sent Pharaoh after them. See how God likes to do it? He loves to display His power and love. He is God, and He just loves to show you who He is.

57-0901M Hebrews Chapter Three

You mustn't question anything, to God. "For the footsteps of the righteous is ordered of the Lord." And every trial is put upon you, to prove you. And the Bible said, "They're more precious to you than gold." So if God let a few light afflictions happen to you, remember, it's for the correction of you. "Every son that cometh to God must first be chastened of God, and tried, child-trained." There's no exceptions. "Every son that cometh." These afflictions are done or brought--brought about, to see what attitude you'll take. See? It's God, on this proving-ground. That's all earth is, is the proving-grounds, and where He is trying to prove you.

57-0901E Hebrews Chapter Four

During the experience we also heard this super faith building quote: 

You know, sometime people when they pray, they get tired. Don't they, mother and dad? Oh, get so tired. Brother Branham sometimes gets so tired I almost faint when I go to praying a long time; just get faint, go without eating and things, for days, and pray and pray and pray, and preach, I just get to a place I going to faint, nearly. And sometimes people get that way. That's no time to give up. Keep on. God will answer. Yes, sir. Keep holding on. Yes, sir.

56-0513 Teaching On Moses

Inspired by the life and sacrifice of Amram, her dad felt led to have an early morning prayer, 5 am, every day of the week at the church, primarily for Grace as well as other needs of the believers. This prayer session would go on for hours, as brothers would make the sacrifice to come and pray there, before they go to work. The ones who prayed also included the sisters, children, families, and those who could make it as well as others who joined the prayer chain in their homes.

The days quickly rolled on into weeks, then into months. The Christmas season of 2015 came along, Grace not yet restored, but the Word giving courage all the way. Then the new year of 2016, many small signs of her deliverance started appearing. On Wed 2nd March, and after about 130-odd days, Sis Grace for the first time was able to attend our regular Wednesday night service at church, still visibly not fully restored but many times better than before. It was not until the Easter weekend of 2016 that the Lord came full on the scene and scattered the forces of darkness that oppressed her.

We remember it well, as Brother Felix announced on the Sunday before that he felt led to devote the entire Easter weekend to a time of prayer and fasting for our sister for those who could attend. We were expecting to spend Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at church, but as yet with no set itinerary. It was not long after, the next day or so, that we saw on the website that Brother Joseph, after much prayer about the Easter weekend felt led to dedicate the three day weekend to remembering the crucifixion of our Lord, and set a beautiful itinerary of services, prayer chain times, and scripture readings, which came as the perfect answer to our anticipated weekend. Needless to say, we gladly accepted the schedule as God’s will for us for the weekend. Brother Kashif brought the entire family, including Grace to spend the weekend at the church, and the inspiration and Presence of the Lord was so strong for those days.

By the last service on Sunday evening the entire family could recognizes that our long awaited answer to prayer had appeared. At our next service on Wednesday night, March 30th, the announcement was made to believers of the victory of the Lord, to a standing ovation, clap offering, shouts of praise, screams, and tears. That night, Brother Kashif testified of the experience.

Since that time Grace has returned to her normal activities of taking care of her children, attending services, and being everything that we know her to be. She was extremely tired after her experience which lasted for over 150 days, and rested a lot for days afterwards. The family still frequents the home to assist her in physical things, but ALL IS WELL BY GOD’S GRACE. Brother Kashif, after the same number of days away from work, has since returned to his office. Even his co-workers are amazed of the deliverance. The 5 am prayer session still continues unto this day, even after the deliverance of our sister, as the believers have seen the results of prayer and desire not to lose momentum seeing the great victory. Even our youth events are back on stream, everyone with a revitalized faith.

There are no words that can be put on paper to describe the gravity of the experience, nor do the words of this testimony sufficiently expresses our gratitude to our Lord Jesus, the believers here, the saints around the world who were praying for us, and the concern and prayer of Brother Joseph. On behalf of Brother Kashif, Sister Grace, their children, her dad, his wife, and family and the saints in Trinidad, we want to say, We love you and God Bless You.

If this isn’t a good “BOO DEVIL,” we don’t know what is!!!

Your family in Christ.


This church in Trinidad is a tremendous example to all of us. What could happen if the Bride around the world comes together in unity like this church did? RAPTURE! Let's all press towards that mark!