The Still Small Voice

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

1 Corinthians 15:58

The Word teaches us that we are to serve others and always be willing to represent the Lord Jesus at any given opportunity. It could be something as simple as a kind word, or it may be Godly council for a desperate soul. This Canadian brother listened to that still, small voice speaking to his heart and the Lord called him to service. 

I had finished work one day and had gone into the closest city (Melfort) to buy groceries. I like to listen to a tape after work, as it helps me relax and put things in perspective.

I was listening to a tape on the way there and back to get groceries, and had returned home, put everything away, made myself supper, and then finished the tape.

After finishing the tape, I had a strange urge to return to Melfort, although I had just come back from there. I was thinking to myself that I really should go back and have an evening coffee or something. I'm not even sure what I was thinking, but I just seemed to need to return to Melfort for some reason.

So, I got in my car and started the drive back to town. I didn't get far when I noticed a young man hitch-hiking on the road. I was a bit worried about stopping, as I have had some bad experiences before.

I prayed "Lord, is this why I am going to Melfort?" I stopped beside the young man and he seemed OK, so I picked him up, and I made sure I had a tape playing. I offered the young man a witnessing card and a booklet, and he was happy to take them.

He started to tell me about his life and how he had his kids taken away because of the way he was living. I asked him if I could pray for him and he gladly accepted. We drove a bit further, and he told me of some experiences he had with dark spirits trying to attack him.

This reminded me of some similar experiences I had gone through when I was younger and how the Lord delivered me and protected me from them. He was quite surprised that I had experienced some of the same things he was facing.

I knew that it was no accident that I had picked him up. The Lord had arranged it. The young man said he was not a Christian, but after hearing of my experiences he wanted to learn more. As I dropped him off at his place, he told me that he had been praying for someone to give him a ride just before I stopped. He also told me that he wanted to get a Bible and start reading it.

The Lord works on both ends. Praise his Holy Name.

Thank you, Jesus.

Brother Herron