Lifeline From The Vault

God’s Time — One Woman’s Story

She was born sometime between the First World War and the depression and was raised in a western city. Little is known about her youth, but as a child; she went to Sunday School at a nearby church. She enjoyed the stories from the Bible, and she believed them.

Years passed; she grew up, married, and became a mother—just an ordinary woman. But those stories from Sunday School were something she never forgot. They had to be true, and she often wondered if the God of those Bible stories was still as powerful now as He had been then. She sent her children to Sunday School and sometimes went with them.

She was a kind and pleasant lady, dearly loved by all who knew her. She had a nice home, a loving husband, and children who adored her. But yet, she was not fully satisfied with her life. Something was missing, for there was a hunger in her heart to know the God of those Bible stories she had heard so long.

We don’t know at what point she fully gave her heart to the Lord, but she had begun attending a Pentecostal church when her health began to fail. The church had prayer for her, but did not get any better. When she went to her doctor, he gave her the bad news: she had cancer, and it was spreading fast. She had the necessary operation and took all the treatments the doctor ordered. Her health seemed to improve a little, but she never fully recovered.

It may have been from a friend of a friend, but somehow, someway, she heard about Brother Branham. Then she found the book, William Branham, A Man Sent From God. As she read the book, she realized that God truly was the same today as He was in those Sunday School lessons so long ago! Oh, if only she could get to one of his meetings!

Brother Branham had held meetings in her state, but she had not had known about them. The meetings were always advertised in the newspapers, and Brother Branham always tried to have all the local Pentecostal or Full Gospel churches to cooperate in his meetings, but some of them would not announce or attend the meetings because of doctrinal differences.

Then she heard the terrible news that Brother Branham had been taken from the scene—and she had never had a chance to see him! But God always makes a way.

Over the next few years, she and her family moved to another state. By then, small fellowships of believers had begun to meet together and play the tapes. Some of these evolved into churches that believed William Branham was a prophet, yes, more than a prophet—the Elijah of Malachi 4:5. (Today there are over 500 churches and home tape fellowships in the U.S. and Canada.)

She was thrilled to find a place of worship in the city to which they have moved. She now had the opportunity to hear Brother Branham’s Messages on tapes borrowed from the church library. Oh, what a blessing it was to her!

It was about this time, however, that the old demon of cancer once again was to try her faith. Gradually she became weaker and weaker as the enemy found a foothold in her already ravished body. “Oh, if ONLY Brother Branham was still here to pray for me!” she thought.

But God had something special for her. The films of Brother Branham that we now all take for granted became available to be shown in the churches and fellowships that followed his teaching.

Needless to say, this sister was there when the doors opened on the day the church announced they were going to show the film of Brother Branham. She watched intently as the people came through the prayer line and God’s prophet prayed for them. And then, her faith struck something!

When on the film, Brother Branham prayed for someone with cancer, she applied that to herself. “I am healed of this cancer for once and for all!”

Within a matter of hours, however, she became terribly ill. She thought she was going to die, and so did some of her family. But she remembered what Brother Branham had said on that film about how that cancer would have to shrink, die, and the toxins pass from her body. She believed this was a sure sign of her healing! She knew then that God had healed her. And He had.

Her strength returned. In the next few months she really enjoyed her life and her family, which by now included several grandchildren. She testified of her healing to everyone who would listen, always giving credit to the Lord for it.

Then one day she was driving her car down the street when she came upon a stop sign. As the Bible teaches us to obey every ordinance of man, she came to a stop. But the car behind her did not! It struck her vehicle from behind. It may have only looked like a “fender bender” to the police, but an ambulance was summoned and this precious sister was carried to hospital. Upon arrival they found that she had passed from this life before the ambulance reached the hospital.

What? After fighting off cancer for all those years, she died anyway? Yes, she did. Her time was up.

“‘Course we know Christians don’t die; there’s no such a Scripture in the Bible. See? Christians don’t die; they just go to be with the Lord.”

54-0307E Do You Now Believe?

“No, Christians don’t die. They’re just taking a little rest, see.”

64-0719E Going Beyond The Camp

We purposely did not give the sister’s name or the city where she lived. Sufficient it is to say that she was an ordinary housewife in an ordinary city. However, there was nothing ordinary about what God had predestinated for her to face in life, for she found the Pearl of Great Price. As with all of us, she also had an “expiration date” invisibly etched on her mortal being, and when her time on earth was up, she just passed through into Eternal Life!

How wonderful it was that she had believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for her soul’s salvation and also for the healing of her body. I believe the following words of Brother Branham fit her situation perfectly.

“If it’s your time to go, you’re going to go some way. That’s right. But first, before He tells you, if you’ll be sincere and don’t doubt it, you’ll get well. That’s exactly right.”

60-0911M As I Was With Moses, So I Will Be With Thee