The Impression

We received this feedback from a lady who was acquainted with the sister who sent us the testimony titled, “The Capstone Is Love.” The Love in Sister Geisa’s heart certainly made an impression on this real estate saleswoman. How many of us are given these opportunities every day, and yet we don’t make an impression like this sister?

Geisa, I'm in tears to find out you lost your father. Wow! It's very shocking to me everything that's happened in real estate since the day you showed up. First I want to thank you for stopping by early today and leaving the paper indicating this link and this site on my desk. Please don't leave! I want to know who you are. Visiting your church, you made me very emotional. Your energy is something out of the ordinary. I've never felt so much peace around anyone.

Please come back here at the station when you can, leave your contact with me, so I can talk to you. I cried as I read this article about your father. The first time you came here in real estate in March, I treated you very badly. I was stupid with you, and you surprised me: you looked deep into my eyes, as if you were penetrating my pain, and asked me if you could give me a hug. I was left with no reaction. I started crying and apologized to you for treating you badly, because I don't do that with any client.

That's when I told you that my father was in the ICU between life and death, with a 1% chance of surviving meningitis. I remember you hugging me again, you cried on my shoulder and said, "Mr. Jesus, I know this pain very well in seeing someone we love go away. Please, listen to your daughter, visit this man in the hospital and heal him by the force of your love." I did not understand anything that was happening, but I felt an energy in that moment that I had never felt in my life. I felt that God was hugging me personally in his embrace.

The next morning my mother called me. She was happy, saying that my father had opened his eyes, and came out of the coma and was going into the bedroom. The doctors weren't believing it. And earlier today, I heard that you asked the real estate salesman how my father's health was, and he told you all about it. So you asked him to leave the paper with your handwriting indicating this link.

Geisa, I don't know what to tell you, I have no words. What do I mean, I don't have any words? I treated you super badly, you hugged me, you prayed to God to heal my father, carrying in your chest the pain of having lost your own father. Are you sure you're from this planet? You're a wonderful girl and you deserve to be very happy. I have no words to thank you. I hope you'll come back here to the estate and give me your phone. I swear it's not out of commercial interest. I really want to know more about this divine energy you have that you left in me when you gave me that hug and prayed for my father, and God heard your prayer. A big kiss into your sweet heart.

Barbara Lemos