I would like to tell you a testimony of what the Lord did for me.
In the summer of 2015, I began to have significant trouble sleeping. My doctor started trying me on different prescriptions. They all had bad side effects. I began taking something different every night so as not to become addicted to any of them. But they only helped at times and other times, not at all. I prayed that the Lord would allow me to sleep normally, without any medications.
In early August, it suddenly became more severe, in which I would lay awake all night long, sometimes for nights in a row. My husband took me up to Voice of God and a brother there prayed with us in the chapel. I immediately knew the Lord moved and I left feeling like it was over. Over the next two nights, I slept some with no meds. On the third night, I laid awake all night.
Instead of continuing to claim God’s promise, I became very fearful about it. At that point, it began to get worse and worse. I was now in a desperate condition that words cannot describe. Only someone who has ever had extreme nervous problems or the effects it can cause, would understand. With extreme lack of sleep, Satan really attacks your mind and body. But the effects on the mind are far worse than the exhaustion and other physical effects. It causes all kinds of thoughts, including paranoia, and caused me to do and say things I normally would not have.
Satan began telling me that I was going to lose my mind, that my marriage would end, that other believers didn’t love me anymore, and on and on and on. Ultimately, he told me that I was lost, had crossed the line, and that there was no hope for me.
My husband and friends prayed for and encouraged me that these were just lies from Satan. Some believers took much time to talk with me. I even had the opportunity of speaking with Brother Joseph on several occasions. He also encouraged me not to listen to the lies, and told me I was a real believer and child of God.
But even with all the prayers and encouragement, I am ashamed and embarrassed to say that I continued to get worse by listening to the lies of Satan. I can only explain it by saying that the attack on my mind was so strong. It was a constant barrage of accusations. I knew I loved the Lord, even though the devil, very convincingly, told me I didn’t. I knew I believed this Message and had had a real experience with the Lord.
Going to church was extremely difficult because the attack would be strong at that time. I thought no one wanted to be around me. I was even convinced that there would come a time when I would be asked not to return to church because my spirit was so bad!
But I knew in all this, I had to keep going and to keep hearing the Word. I didn’t feel like singing, but would force myself to. I didn’t feel like doing anything at all, including my housework or cooking. My husband was surviving on cereal and whatever else he could find! I also had a great fear of being home alone, which normally I am very much a homebody.
I knew I was becoming addicted to a particular sleep medication, taking it every night. It’s the only one I could tolerate, but I became alarmed after reading about it on the internet. They said it is so addictive, and the side effects from trying to get off of it so bad, that they recommended checking yourself into a drug clinic if you were to attempt to stop taking it.
I remember sitting in a chair in my living room one day, looking out the window thinking, “I will never get over this, I’ll die like this.” Satan said, “It’s impossible for you to ever get well.” I said, “That’s true, it is. BUT, God’s Word says all things are possible. I began to pray that way every day. “Lord, Your Word says all things are possible and Your Word is the Truth. What the devil is telling me, as real as it may seem, is a lie.” I can’t say I really felt that way, but Brother Branham said it’s not what we feel, but what we believe.
On December 22, several of us sisters met for breakfast. I remember dreading going home alone. Afterwards, I had several errands to run. After finishing the last one, I got in my car and headed home. I had driven about a minute when suddenly I felt the horrible cloud lift a little. I can’t explain it; the feeling was so different than what it had been for months. Suddenly, I wanted to sing and began to do so, and the burden lifted even more. Satan said, “This is just a fluke. You know it won’t last.” But by then, I knew something real was happening. About a mile further down the road, I was singing, crying, clapping, and praising God.
The sleep issue continued for a time, but gradually began to get better. I had cut back on the pills a little, attempting to wean off of them. I did not have the drastic withdrawal symptoms I had read about on the internet. Praise God! He delivered me from that also.
There are no words adequate enough to begin to express how thankful I am for what He has done for me, and for my gratitude to Brother Joseph, my husband, and all my brothers and sisters who faithfully prayed for and encourage me. They wouldn’t allow me to give up. It was those prayers that brought me out. It is so hard to have faith for yourself when you are in a condition like that.
I cannot wait to get to every service at church. They are absolutely awesome and wonderful. The Spirit of the Lord is there every service, and every tape is like hearing it for the first time. This lump comes up in my throat over and over again, when I think about all the Lord has done and is doing now. I love Him. I love His Word. He is faithful in every way. He is a Healer of body, mind, nerves, spirit; all. I am living proof of that. My love for Him has grown so much since my deliverance. It’s nothing I did. It was all Him. That He would do this for me, like I said, words could never express it.
God bless you,
Sister Jenny,
United States