The Spirit Of Fear

The Lord Jesus is merciful and loving to all of us. He knows the strengths and weaknesses of each person, and He knows the specific lessons that every one of us needs to ultimately be perfected in Him.

The following testimony from a brother in Grenada shows us how merciful the Lord is, even if He allows us to go through the most terrifying of experiences.

God bless the Bride of Jesus Christ around the world. Before I give my testimony, I just want to share with you two Psalms God gave me while I was going through the ordained test that He allowed to come upon me. They are Psalm 34 and Psalm 40.

It all began at the start of the year, 2019. My family went to the Quote of the Day and the reading was from Romans 8:19 (For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.) In my heart, there was a strong desire to see more of the supernatural in my life, also, I was praying about the fear I had: I was afraid of dying, also fearing cancer. Not that I was afraid that I won’t go into the Presence of God, but just the fear of going (Job 3:25 For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.)

I went before God and told Him of the fears, and that I needed deliverance of those fears. Way down in my heart, I knew the only way I could overcome this fear was to face up to it. It had to take some supernatural near-death experience to get the victory over it. So, I was just waiting on the Lord to bring my confession to pass.

It began to unfold when I felt this hurting pain in my upper stomach. I told my sisters who live abroad about the pain I was having. One of them told me to have a colonoscopy done. So on the 8th of June 2019, I went to the specialist here in Grenada to have it done. The result showed a mass in the colon, “caecum terminal lleumt76 – a cauliflower appearing lesion occupying the caecum, likely malignant.” These are the photos taken of the caecum and these are the results attached.


Then the battle of the mind began. How could I, being very health-conscious, have cancer? But God determines and governs the affairs of man. The specialist said that I needed to have surgery. I also lost some weight in the process. So, then I was walking around with the very thing I feared. However, I was not afraid or fearful, but was at rest, though from time to time, a little scare would come over me. I told the Lord that when He brings me through this test, the world will know of it through my testimony on Voice of God Recordings website.

The enemy then started showing me the facts, but I believed the promise: “I am the LORD that health all thine diseases.” In this situation, I had no control over what was happening on the inside of me. I had to trust God where I couldn’t trace Him. I had feelings of death come over me many times. The Book of Job was a book I hardly read because that spelled trouble for me, but while I was going through those battles, the Lord told me to read the Book of Job and in it, I found true identification with some of Job’s experiences. The Word became alive to me. The Psalms were also my comfort. Many times, when the feelings of death would come on me, I would call my wife to pray with me until we got a breakthrough. I thank God for a God-conscious, Spirit-filled, wife.

The Lord reminded me by asking, “What was your age?” I told Him, “Fifty-six years.” He said the me, “Eight times seven is fifty-six.” Every seven years, I usually go through some great testing in my life. This test actually lasted five months. All that I preach made my boast of the Lord and my conviction. This was one time I was tested to the core. Everything was shaken on the inside, but I remained firm-footed on my conviction.

I remember when the Lord woke me up one night in desperation. I went before Him, saying, “Lord, if You are going to take me, let me let my family know, so they won’t worry over me. Let me face death as a man, not as a coward.” Then I remembered when Brother Branham was faced with death by the killer bull, how he prayed that sincere prayer. That’s when Agapao Love came down. After I prayed that sincere prayer from my heart, the Lord came that night and gave me my deliverance from the fear of death and cancer.

My wife and daughter went up with me to the surgery in the Mount Sinai Hospital, Brooklyn, New York. I experienced the most peace and calmness in my spirit I ever had. I know He took full care and control of the entire journey and procedure. The operation was successful, in fact, the doctor told me it was a major operation.

The Lord also gave me the melody for both Psalms 34 and 40, also Romans 1-16, which are attached together with the words. Also, for the surgery that cost $60,000 US dollars, His favor was on me that I did not have to pay for the operation, but only small bills of private consultants.

Brother Dave,
Grenada, West Indies