The Little Things

The purpose of this website is to help increase the faith of God’s people around the world and point them to the Message of the hour. Many of the articles are miraculous events, such as healing of cancer, restoring hearing to the deaf, or even raising the dead. Other articles show the work of distributing the prophet’s Message through Agapao Tablets, microSD cards, books, and website downloads. And then there are The Little Things articles that are meant to give us faith for everything that the day holds. It is these simple articles that seem to resonate the most with believers around the world.

The following is from a young South African sister, who remembered these articles and had faith to apply it to her own life.

I want to thank the Lord for being gracious to me. I was sitting in the evening working on the laptop, when I bumped my water bottle and spilt water onto the laptop. I tried wiping it and holding the laptop upside down, so that the water to drain out. At this time the laptop had gone off, and I was panicking because most of my school work was on it, and it was the only device I had at home to work with.

I unplugged the laptop and just sat there for a while. I started to stress about how I was going to tell my parents, because I knew we couldn't afford to pay to repair it, let alone buy a new one. I decided to just leave it and go sleep.

The next day my mother called me into the kitchen and told me that the laptop was no longer working. I didn’t reply to this because I knew very well what happened. Later that night a thought came to mind of all the articles I've read on this website about how God came through for His people when they needed Him with small things like this.

I then got up early the next morning for my morning prayers, and after the prayer session, I laid my hand on the laptop and simply asked God to fix it. I opened the laptop and it switched on! I praised Him and promised to share this testimony. I am so grateful to the Almighty for His mercy and His care.

Sis Grace

South Africa