Victory Is Mine

Faith’s the boss. All things are possible to them that believe: all things. “Well,” you say, “I might ask God too much, Brother Branham.” You can’t ask Him enough. He loves to do it for you.

58-0302 Door To The Heart

We received this letter from a sister who has seen victory upon victory in her life. Now, she is holding on for the greatest victory that is sure to come.

Greetings to you in the merciful Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I would like to share my testimony with you for the glory of God. Actually, there are a few testimonies that I'd like to share, please bare with me.

Since I was a little girl (I'll be 30 this year if the Lord permits) I have had seasonal allergies in the spring. The pollen is really thick in the spring time where I live, so much so that you can see it on the pavement, any surface, and even floating in the air. Everything has a yellow tint in the spring.

My allergies would get so bad that I would have swollen eyes, an itchy face and throat, and sneeze all the time. Sometimes I would develop a sinus infection. There was not a spring season that went by that I wouldn't have these symptoms and discomfort, until the Lord healed me!

Last year, I experienced my faith being tested in a variety of different ways. I was having a terrible bout with allergies last year, so much that I would wheeze here and there. This was new and concerned me. I had been praying that the Lord deliver me from these signs and symptoms, which I'd recalled the prophet saying were lying vanities of the devil.

One day during my lunch break at work, I was listening to a message where Brother Branham was discerning spirits, when he called out a lady and said something along the lines of, "You want me to tell you what’s wrong with you? Would it help you if I told you what was wrong with you? All right. You got hay fever." And then he said something to the effect of, "Your name is Mrs. Earl..." I was so elated! I was praying the entire time he was speaking to her and asking God to speak to me and take this thing from me. The amazing thing is that my dad's name is Earl! I knew that was God speaking to me through his prophet.

Well, fast forward to spring 2018 and I have not had a single sign or symptom of allergies or hay fever. Praise be to GOD!

The Lord has done so many marvelous and miraculous wonders in my life, and I'm so thankful of that and glad that I can say I'm one of them. Just over the last year the Lord has healed me, my son (mind battles and a virus), and my son's sister (severe allergies). I pinned a prayer cloth (the same one at different times) to us all and prayed.

Friends, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. There was another time where God spoke to me through Brother Branham in a prayer line. I had been having a sensation in my throat and my son had a dark spot on his scalp and a rash on his skin that I was worried about. The pediatrician couldn't diagnose it and suggested he see a dermatologist. On top of this the devil was trying to convince me that I was a make-believer, because although I was listening to the Word and praying, there were still so many things that were happening and I didn't have enough faith for my son or myself to be healed. I'm sorry, I can't recall the message I was listening to, I wrote it down but I seemed to have misplaced it. Again, Brother Branham was discerning a lady's spirit on the platform and he said something like, "You have a problem with your throat, don't worry it's going to be alright, and you're praying for a child, it's your child, it's a virus. You are not a make-believer you are a believer and you're not from here you're from the south, Georgia."

Well Glory Hallelujah I accepted it! My faith was confirmed, I am from the south (Virginia), my throat is alright (the sensation was caused by reflux). After listening to this message my son had an appointment with the dermatologist, and he stated that my son's rash was called pityriasis rosea which is caused by a virus that children acquire most commonly when in contact with other children who may have it (school had just started). Needless to say, we are healed! Thank you, Jesus!

Lastly, I had my blood drawn routinely during an annual physical. My Vitamin D level came back low and my white blood cells were high. The doctor prescribed Vitamin D supplements and stated that it would take six months for me to show improvement in my number, which was a 9 (very low). He was also going to refer me to a hematologist if my white blood cell count wasn't normal in three months. I prayed and believed in the Word of the Lord. In three months my blood was redrawn, and while the nurse was drawing it I felt the presence of the Lord with me. I was so relaxed and sure that all was well.

In a couple days my results were in. My blood count was back to normal and my vitamin D level was a 32, which is where it needed to be (20-50 is considered healthy) just after three months, not six.

Praise the Lord! I hope my testimony of what the Lord has done for me and my family was an encouragement to you. I would like for this testimony to glorify God, for it is nothing that I have done or ever could do. This was all a divine and a finished work done by my Lord. We have nothing to worry about, the Lord is with us.

I have been and will continue to seek the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and I know I will possess it because He promised it. Please keep me and my family in prayer, and I will pray for you the same. God richly bless and keep you.

Your Sister in Christ,

Sister Atesha
