Praise Reports

It's been a couple months since the Agapao Tour left Macon Georgia, and the testimonies continue to come in of how our Lord has done mighty things for the people.

Here are just a few of the testimonies we have received from the Macon meetings.

We enjoyed the services in Macon with the Agapao Tour and really got a blessing. By God's grace I have survived pancreatic cancer twice within six years. Now my tumor marker was over 2000 and the doctors scheduled a biopsy for Monday the 23rd after the Macon meetings on suspicious spots on my liver that had shown and grown on two scans. People all over were praying for me. I went in but they didn't do the biopsy because they couldn't find the spots! Four doctors turned me from side to side and over and over using an ultrasound to locate the spots on my liver. Finally, an older doctor said, "I can't even find a spot big enough to put a needle in!" This is the 3rd miracle for me in 3 months. In March I had a biopsy on the lymph node and also on the abdomen that both came back NO CANCER! I don't deserve this healing but God's mercy was there for me. Praise the Lord! Give Him glory!

Brother Lonnie

I would like to share this testimony of what God has done for me during the Agapao tour meetings in Georgia. I hope it will be a blessing and encouragement to the Bride of Christ. A year ago, I went to see the doctor and was told I had cysts in both of my ovaries, and they were concerned about the one on my left. I was then sent to a specialist because they were concerned that the cysts could be malignant, and I was worried because cancer runs in the family, so my first thought was to have them removed. Instead, my husband told me to wait and pray about it.

My doctors wanted to have another sonogram done, but because of my plans to attend the Agapao tour in Macon, I decided to have it done when I got back. During the services, I prayed to the Lord for “A Total Deliverance” and felt in my heart that all was well. After returning to Florida, I went back to the doctor on Wednesday to have the scan done. The technician that was performing the scan was baffled, because she couldn’t find a cyst on either ovary. She said, “There’s nothing here!” I asked her if she believed in healing and testified to her about what had happened to me that weekend. The other doctors in the office couldn’t figure out how my situation had suddenly turned around, and I shared my testimony with them all. Thanks be to God for his never ending mercies!

Sister Surita

Christian Greetings to you and the staff there at VGR. The Agapao Tour made a stop in Macon, GA over the March 20th-22nd weekend and I was blessed beyond words. It was everything I expected and 100 times more. I was living in a shell before the tour came my way. All that was said and done have caused me to break out of my shell and smash the shell. Now there is no going back. I will now lay in the presence of the SON of God and be ripened into a matured CHRISTIAN. I will never be the same again. I thank God for the Agapao tablet and for what it will do for the Bride of Jesus Christ.

Brother Benn

A few months before Brother Joseph announced that the tour was coming to Macon, I had been getting some really bad pains in my lower back just under my rib cage. It would come and go, especially if I did anything strenuous; it was so painful. When I saw that the tour was coming to Macon, I really got excited and wanted to go. I read where Brother Joseph said to come expecting. I said I'm going expecting for all my needs. One need was my back pain. We had driven for two days to get there; the pain was bad. The first night they played “A Total Deliverance.” I asked God to deliver me from that pain, and after the service the presence of the Lord was there, and I received my healing. From that time no more pain. I was truly blessed in Macon. Words cannot express the Love and the Atmosphere that was in that building where God’s prophet preach 61 years ago.

Sister Victoria

I have been healed, my leg is so much better. I used to hop bad on it. I am not hopping now. I notice it after service on Saturday in Macon, Georgia. All I can say is “Thank You Jesus” over and over again! I am so thankful.

Sister Betsy

I went into the Agapao Tour in Macon expecting great things and I got much more than I ever imagined. I received one of the greatest blessings (outside of my salvation) that I have ever received. Tears of joy have been streaming down my face and my heart has been refilled with Agapao Love. I cannot thank you enough for bringing our prophet Brother Branham back to the pulpit in Macon, GA!

Praise the Lord!

Sister Lloyd