Kenya Agapao Tablet Distribution Pt 2

VGR has been distributing Message material for decades. It may be books, tapes, CDs, microSD cards, or Agapao Tablets, but each type of material and location has its own set of obstacles that must be overcome. We are always learning and we are always improving in our distribution methods.

The following report from the Kenya team shows how they learned on day one and made adjustments for day two. Overall, it was a very efficient day with some valuable lessons learned. Here is the team’s report.

We proceeded today with our distribution in Murang'a region, and our stop today was near the Abadare Forest at a place called Kiamuturi. Murang'a county has very many hills and valleys. We set out early and arrived at 9:30AM. We started the meeting at 10:30AM.

Like we said, this trip also helped us to get acquainted with what to expect and what to improve on, before we hit the road to other more densely populated churches in the future, if He tarries before He comes. It truly has been a learning experience for us, and by God's Grace we are looking forward to using the lessons learnt as a stepping stone for the next leg.

Some of these lessons are:

  1. When doing the Tablet distribution, it's totally different from the SD card distribution. It's always better to have one venue per day for us to have enough time to be with the saints, especially during training them on the tablets. Like today, we had one venue and we had such a wonderful day in the Lord.
  2. Us doing the presentations with the slides was so GREAT. It speaks for itself and it brought VGR close to the heart of the believers, and I believe they felt like Brother Joseph and the VGR brothers there are more close to them, although they are miles and miles away. It also made it easy for believers to understand what really VGR is and the vision that Bro Joseph has of giving the Bride everything. One of the pastors of the churches made a comment and said that our visit left a memory that will continually linger in his heart for years and years.
  3. When going with the tablets already assigned and tablet serial numbers matched and entered in the software, and having the names already printed in a list, and having the same names and serial number attached on the tablets, helped us speed the process of distribution since we could just call the names on the tablet box and they proceed forward to receive their tablet. It made it REALLY easy for us to move faster.

It was around three hours drive from Nairobi to Kiamuturi. We thank the Lord for the safe journey. We served 2 churches on this day and distributed a total of 74 tablets.

We trained them as a whole group in the church. As the training goes on and someone gets stuck, one would raise their hands and we could move to them and assist them while we all continue to move together. Before we leave the venue, we always try and make sure the pastors of these churches have a full understanding of how to use the tablet, so that they will assist the saints later when a need arises.

Thank you very much and God richly Bless you all.

Bro. Edwin

In all, the team gave out 74 Agapao Tablets at this stop. We will post the third report of the Kenya distribution in the days to come.
