He Touched Me

So now, and there's a prayer cloth that comes, a little ribbon that I prayed over myself. Now, if it was my child that was sick, I'd want somebody I had confidence in to send it. Now, secretary makes up the letter, but I pray over the cloth. That's exactly right. And now, if you want one, and... (Thank you brother...?...) If you don't... If you don't have need for one right now, send and get it, put it in your Bible on Acts 19. If anything happens, take that and lay it on the patient. If time would permit, it'd be hair raising experiences I could tell you that's happened.

59-0424E Hear Ye Him

Greetings in the precious name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray this testimony will Inspire and encourage Faith.

I would like to start off saying all praises to the Lord Jesus, the Word, for healing me of all sickness and diseases.

I was diagnosed about five months ago with psoriatic arthritis. It was a disease that I would have for the rest of my natural life. I would also have to take humeral injections for the rest of my natural life, with the cost being $6,600 for two shots a month.

I started swimming which it gave some relief, but I just couldn’t go on like this anymore. To me it was easier to take God at His Word. So, I just got me a whole "tape load" of it and started listening to the tapes day and night. Then I talked to a precious brother who said that Brother Branham prayed over handkerchiefs and was sending them out to believers.

Well, I am a believer and I wanted one. So, I got one on July 6th, 2017.

I followed the instructions and I wore it day and night for about three to five days.

I am not really sure what happened, but now I am completely healed! I’ve testified to everyone that would listen, even a couple of doctors, that JESUS CHRIST,IS THE SAME YESTERDAY,TODAY,AND FOREEVER.

Brother Franco

