He Already Has

There is a difference between true Christianity and any other faith. Our religion has a risen Saviour, and by His stripes, we are ALREADY healed. All we need to do is have faith. The Lord Jesus performed a miracle in this sister’s life, and in return, she is telling the world about a wonderful Saviour who lives today.

Greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I wanted to share the Lord's praise report! I was diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic valve with a moderate stenosis when I was 18 months old; I am now 31.

I have been to the cardiologist countless times and the condition is one that only gets worse as the years pass, with no cure until eventually a valve replacement is required.

It is nearly a 3-hour drive one way to get to church on Wednesdays and Sundays, but I enjoy my time with the Lord and listening to the Message. The Lord Jesus Christ and Brother Branham are always welcome to be with me anywhere, anytime, and I make sure to invite them every day.

I was driving home last night after service and began praying for my lost loved ones. I had been praying for God to let them know that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, and for something to light a Fire in these last days. I began thanking Him for my great-grandmother's healing of cancer during Brother Branham’s healing service in the 50's and most recently my niece's healing of cancer a few years ago.

I began pleading with the Lord to burn out anything in my heart that is unpleasing to Him, as we need to make ourselves ready for the Rapture. At that moment, it felt as though my heart bounced from my chest and I heard, in His Still Small Voice, "Get an echo." (an echocardiogram is a type of ultrasound that is used to examine the heart)  I was in shock. The Lord must have taken the wheel, because I made it home safely.

Normally, it's a few weeks before I could have scheduled an appointment to get in to have the procedure, but the Lord worked it out, and I was able to get an appointment at 3:00 PM on 07/17/17. Three sevens, perfection.

I was not nervous at all; I knew it was already settled with The Lord. On my way to the appointment, I was listening to preliminary services of the 5th Seal at the Branham Tabernacle. Brother Joseph said for the Bride to recognize who we are. Amen!

The echo cardiogram tech invited me in, and as she was making small talk, she mentioned that the man before me shared my profession and was speaking of some holy water that you can buy and get a financial blessing. I had a good chuckle at that. I told her I didn't know of any holy water, but I could testify of the Holy Spirit! Amen!

When she began the procedure, she asked why I was seeing her. She didn't understand what she was supposed to be looking for. She looked at my heart for over an hour, and said my valve is perfect. In her 15 years in her profession, she had never seen anything like this. Amen!

I carry my Bible, a Message book, and my prayer cloth (over my heart) everywhere, every day. It's my 1,2,3 punch to the devil. I ended up reading the echo technician the Scriptures in Hebrews and Acts, and giving her my prayer cloth.

It was a great moment. When I left, I gave her a hug and said, "God Bless you!" She said, "I'd say God bless you as well, but it seems He already has!"

Sister Ashley