God does His Own choosing, by predestination, chose the prophets for every age. Notice it. He fixes the nature of that prophet to fit that age. See, He fits his style, whatever he does. He fits him whether he's educated or not educated. He fits the gifts, the manner that he'll preach in, the gifts he'll have.
And the Message for that certain age, God's predestinated that certain thing to happen and there's not another thing can take its place. Care what it is, how many man-made achievements, nothing can take its place. He predestinated the man, maybe a ignorant man. He might have predestinated him another kind of a man. Whatever he is, He gives him his class, his—his gift, give him his nature, his style, and whatever it is, how he expresses himself, and whatever he does. He makes the man of the hour to catch the people of the hour. Right. He does it.