I Am The Lord That Healeth Thee

Because remember this, my dear friend, there's no medicine, or no doctor, or no hospital that ever has or ever will heal anybody. There's no drug in the world that can heal you.

55-0604 Jairus, A Secret Believer

Medicine has helped many of us, but God is always our healer. When this family got the news from the doctor that his prescription wasn’t the right one for the ailment, it wasn’t too late, the Great Physician had already been on the scene.

When my husband came home from work, he had a spot on his left arm. It was really red and he said it was very sore. It also began to spread up his arm. By the next day it had spread all the way up to his shoulder. The first day he said it hurt to move it, and by the second day, he could hardly move it at all. He had to sleep with his arm above his head. It hurt so bad, he couldn’t sleep any other way. I just knew in my heart it was staph. If you know anything about staph, it is very dangerous and it spreads quickly.

We went to the Urgent Care and they did cultures, and the doctor said it was for sure staph. I sent out a text, asking for prayer. I asked specifically if they would pray for them to give us the right antibiotics the first time so they wouldn’t have to put my husband in the hospital. God had something else in mind!

They gave him a shot along with antibiotics and sent us home. They said it would be 2-3 days before the results came back to know if that certain antibiotic would help. I called several times to see if his results were in yet and all they said was, “No not yet.” We kept it wrapped with a bandage, because of the drainage and to minimize anyone else getting exposed.

He began taking the antibiotics, and by the time he went back to work, it was almost gone! PRAISE the Lord, RIGHT?! The story gets even better. Remember when I said God had something else in mind? Well today, 10 days later, Urgent Care called and said they have to call him in another prescription, because the one they gave him was resistant, yes RESISTANT to the staff infection! There is now NO way that antibiotic could have helped him; it was resistant!

I called my husband and asked how the spot on his arm looked, and he said it was healed and it only looks like a scar. It was God all along. More than that, He was making Himself known that only HE could have healed my husband.

Praise God!

Sister Kristi