
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

I Peter 2:24

The difference between true Christianity and any other faith is that we have a risen Saviour, and by His stripes, we are ALREADY healed. This sister took God at His Word and saw that very same promise manifested in her life.

I’ve wanted to share what God did for me last year. It took me a while to write it up, but I felt it was worth sharing. Back in the first week of August of last year, I was out in my backyard and stepped on a nail. The nail went through my shoe at an angle, well over a half an inch into my toe and foot. I immediately cleaned the wound well and began soaking it, but within a week it was swollen. I went to the urgent care and received antibiotics, which I took, and the swelling and pain went away, and I thought nothing more about it until November. I happened to look at my foot one evening and noticed that the toe was very red and swollen, so I went to the urgent care again. This time, they x-rayed my foot, but could see nothing wrong, so they referred me to a podiatrist.

The urgent care had again prescribed antibiotics but the toe continued to swell, and the area around it was turning an angry red and was beginning to have a very deep aching sensation. When I went to the podiatrist, he was very concerned. He said that he was afraid I had a bone infection and explained the seriousness of that diagnosis. He even told me if I were older they would recommend that the toe be amputated if it was a bone infection, but since I was young they would most likely put me on six weeks of IV antibiotics, but there was a possibility that it wouldn't work.

He scheduled an MRI, and the devil began to attack me. I began to worry, thinking how this would affect my life, my kids, and husband, but every dart that satan shot at me was blocked by the Word. Every tape I heard at church and home kept reinforcing that healing is a finished work, it's up to me to believe it and accept it. Every Quote Of The Day and everything I read just encouraged me more than I had ever experienced before. We put a prayer request in at the Branham Tabernacle and at VGR, and I went to the MRI armed with the shield of faith. The devil still kept at it though. I am somewhat claustrophobic, and the devil had me nervous and jittery about the MRI, but even there God was with me and worked it out because they ended up not having to put me all the way into the tube. I remembered what Brother Branham said about singing giving courage, so I began to hum hymns, and soon the nervousness left and I got so relaxed that I almost fell asleep.

When I went back to the doctor I wasn't nervous or afraid, I was excited, and I was so anxious to see what God had done. When the doctor came in the first thing he said was, "I've got good news. You don't have a bone infection." He continued on and said he was very surprised because he had been almost positive that I did have one, judging by everything he had seen. Something had been very wrong, but all they could find on the MRI was some fluid and a benign cyst that he said would never trouble me, and it was nothing worth worrying about. There was no damage anywhere to the bones, nerves, tendons, or muscles. He continued talking, explaining how devastating that the infection would have been to me going into far greater detail about the consequences, and then in the middle of his explanation he said, "But you don't have anything to worry about, you are healed.” Then he just kept talking, and I wondered if he even knew what he had said, but I heard it, "You are healed!”

I rejoiced and cried the whole way home and shared what God had done for me with everyone, but my foot continued to ache and satan tried to make me believe that there was something still wrong. Perhaps that cyst was a problem or maybe they had missed something, but I kept believing if God could take care of the bone infection He could take care of the cyst or whatever was causing the pain, so I kept praising God for what He had done. I kept remembering what Brother Branham said about healing and that if it gets worse, that’s a sign that you are healed. So, I just kept believing and sharing what God had done for my foot, never mentioning the pain or ache that persisted to anyone. Over the next few weeks, the ache remained, but it began to move almost as if something was pushing up. One night after church my foot hurt so bad that when I got in the car, I took my boots off and noticed there was a large lump on the top of my toe. When I got home, I examined it closer, and it looked like there was something black in it, so I took a pair of sharp tweezers and poked it. Pus came out and with my husband’s help, we removed a round, spiky black object about an 1/8th of an inch across.

The first thing that went through my mind was what Brother Branham said about after you have been healed that your body has to get rid of the tumor, cancer, or whatever was there. Whatever it was never showed up on two x-rays or an MRI! The pain was immediately gone, and my toe is now perfectly sound and well. It was just like the doctor had said, I’m healed. Praise be to God! Isn't He wonderful! We serve a living God, what have we to fear?

Sister Grace
