Our Personal Property

If any people will take the right mental attitude towards any Divine promise that God ever made and claim it for yours, He will—God will bring it to pass. If you'll take the right attitude towards it, knowing that if God said so, the promise is yours, and it's your personal property the very minute you receive It that way, then it has to come to pass.

60-0326 The Unchangeable God

For over a year I had been battling bronchitis and upper respiratory infections that caused me to have major breathing problems. It was so bad at times that I couldn't sing in our church services like I desired. I would have to lip-sync the words. It was breaking my heart because I love to sing and worship the Lord. Not only was I having difficulty breathing, but I also started having dizzy spells that would occur without warning, anywhere and anytime.

My doctor was doing all he knew to do to help me get well, but nothing was working. I believe Isaiah 53:5 with every fiber of my being. "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."

During our Communion service last month, I knew in my heart that our Great Physician was going to heal me when I went forward to take the Lord's Supper. As I stood there after eating the bread and drinking the wine, I didn't feel any different, but I was believing that I was healed. I stood there and claimed my personal property, my healing. The next day about mid-afternoon, I realized that I was breathing normally. Our Lord Jesus had kept His divine promise to me for my healing. Although the breathing problem was gone, I continued to have the dizzy spells. Then on Tuesday, two days after Communion service, the thought came to me, if the Lord can heal my breathing problems, He can also heal the dizzy spells. Amen and Amen, the dizzy spells have since left.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I pray that someone will be blessed by my testimony of God's goodness to His Bride.

Sister Dianne