In Action

And if you want one, and you have no use for it now, send, get one, put it in your Bible on—on Acts the 19th chapter. It’ll tell you what to do with it. And then keep it there. The little baby gets up some night sick, someone gets hurt, take that cloth and lay it on them, and watch what happens. Just believe. See? And that’ll be your token.

61-0226 Jehovah-Jireh

You can go to church every day, hear God’s prophet every day, know of every promise that is imparted to the believer, but if we don’t put it into action we will have the profession without the possession.

During special meetings at the Branham Tabernacle earlier this year for the Seven Seals series, Brother Joseph brought a few boxes of handkerchiefs to service, knowing that Brother Branham would pray over them during the tape. The deacons handed these handkerchiefs out to the congregation after service. Acts 19 is still true, as we have received testimony after testimony of the Lord doing miraculous things with those cloths. The following is one of those testimonies. 

I wanted to testify to the Lord's healing power. During the series of meetings on the Seven Seals, we were given prayer clothes that Brother Branham had prayed over at the beginning of service. To show the anointing that is on the tapes, that following weekend, I had need of the prayer cloth, and the Lord healed me.

About 20 minutes before Quiet Time, I woke up with an unbearable pain inside. It was bad enough that it actually nauseated me, and I even tried to throw up, hoping that would bring relief.

I remembered the handkerchief, and I held it on the spot that was in so much pain, and prayed.

As I did, I could feel the pain slowly moving, and before Quiet Time was over, the unbearable pain had subsided. I could still feel a minor pain, but I knew that The Lord had healed me.

I was able to go to church that day and the next, and somewhere in there, the pain completely went away!

Praise the Lord!
