The Eagles Gathering Together

Dear Humbled and Reverent Bride,

What a privileged people we are. To think, we have heard more in one Message than was wrote in the thirty-three and a half years of His life on earth. We are part of the things that were foretold in the Word that would come to pass, and it has placed us in action with humility and reverence.

We are closer to God than the Seraphim at the brazen altar, for we have become His child and go right into the Presence of God. We don’t have to go through any priest, for He is our Priest. We’ve got more than two wings, we’ve got the Holy Ghost. 

As we prayed from the depths of our heart and sang, “Speak My Lord, Speak My Lord,” the Lord answered us through His prophet and said:

He has already spoke now.

Thank you Father, for the True Revelation of You in our day. You have taken the coal of Fire of Your Word and touched our lips, and it has made us as pure as pure could be. Now we cry unto you, Father, “Here am I, Lord. Send me.”

Then we ask the Lord, “Please tell us once again who we are, it will encourage us so much as we go forth.”

The Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. Now the Word is in our flesh, making Itself manifested, anointed by the Holy Ghost. Time to go in action.

Let us go into action on our knees, anointed with the Holy Ghost, to thank Him, praise Him, and to tell Him to make us even more His manifested sons and daughters.

Bro. Joseph Branham