Perfect Timing

A few of our friends in Connecticut have felt a call in their lives for the prison work. They have been spreading the Message regularly for a few years now in the northeast, trying to show there is freedom even in the confines of a prison cell.

During this month’s visit, the brothers played the video testimony posted on branham.org of a recent healing that took place. It was the right timing for this inmate, and he found the faith for his own healing.

This is my testimony from September 7, 2016.

I was playing soccer with some other inmates in the prison yard just after lunch. When the yard closed down I took my shower and laid down to rest at around 2:45, and everything was ok with me. Then I got up to use the bathroom, and I could not walk on my right foot because it was swollen and in pain. I had to hold to the table for support and could barely reach my sink to use it.

My roommate asked me what was wrong with my foot and I replied, “I have no idea. Everything was ok, but the devil is a liar and he is not going to stop me from going to church.” My roommate was laughing and mentioning that he would get me a wheelchair or that I could ride on his back, but I just kept saying the devil is a liar.

You see, church was on the same night when this happened and also two of our brothers from the outside were coming from Connecticut so we could listen to the message by William Branham, and also show us a video testimony of a healing. These brothers have been coming here for the past two years, and never before did they bring a video testimony of healing, but there was a need for it tonight.

The testimony was about the young boy who fell from the father’s lap while on a tractor and the wheel ran over his head, but God healed him. I closed my eyes and said, “God you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You healed then and you can heal right now. Your Word comes through your prophets and I am listening to one right now, so in the Name of Jesus Christ heal my foot. I believe I am healed, because there is POWER in your Name, amen.”

When I was leaving the service, my brother Alex was the first one to see something was different with my walking. He said, “You aren’t limping anymore, and earlier you were the last one to the service, what happened?” I told him what I was praying for tonight as I was listening and watching the testimony.

Now, I know what can happen when you believe and nobody can tell me any different.

To God be the glory!

M. Lewis

R.I. Prison System