
Just watch, the greatest part of the testimonies that come to me in my meetings is from people who are—are healed right out in the meeting. There's not many gets to me here at the platform for me to pray for. I love to pray for people; that's my ministry. But there's not too many that I get to personally, but it's the Holy Spirit, their faith that these rises in them out there that they get healed. After the services (My office could tell you.), hundreds of letters pours in from places where we've been of people blind, maybe set in the meeting and went home and just thinking about it, a week later received their sight. Or be walking along the street, and something happen, and—and a crippled be setting in a wheelchair and all at once get up and start running. You see, it just… If you ask this blessing…

59-1123 - Speak To This Mountain

Sometimes all we need is a spark to get our flame going. This sister saw a miracle performed before her eyes, and like a house on fire in a windy day, her faith started blazing so bright that even her doctor took notice. 

Praise the Lord! I wanted to send my testimony of how I was healed of depression on the same Sunday that Brother Jackson was raised from the dead.

Back in late September, I went to the doctor for a wellness check. I told her about how I was feeling depressed since a certain time, and she had me fill out this depression test to see if I was really going through a depression. I filled it out, and the results were rather bad. My doctor diagnosed me with moderately severe depression, and said that if my depression got any worse I would have to go on medication. After my appointment, life was miserable. My mother and I were fighting nearly every day, and I was angry and feeling really down inside and felt that the world would be a much better place without me in it. I was accepting that box of rattlesnakes, because I felt too spiritually weak to fight the devil back.

On Sunday, November 8, I was sitting in church with my family, and we sat fairly close to where Brother Jackson was. I had been having a rough morning, and I was really feeling down. Well, that all changed. Someone had just told me something before, that "when you pray for someone else, that's when you receive healing," and it is true. When the brothers went and were praying for Brother Jackson and the church was also praying, I was also praying.

While I was praying, I felt this sweet, warm feeling come over me. I began feeling happy, really truly happy. I had not been happy for a while, and I had never, ever been this happy before. I began praying and thanking the Lord for healing me, and I remembered a quote from Brother Branham from a tape we had recently listened to at church. He said, "You drive your stake down right beside of your seat this afternoon," so I did just that. I told Satan that I had it with his bullying me, and I shoved that box of rattlesnakes right back at him.

I had a follow-up doctor's appointment on Monday, November 16, to see how I was doing. I knew I was healed, but I decided to go ahead and go. I wanted to testify to my doctor really bad. I've had this urge to go out and witness to as many people as I can since that Sunday. I went back to see my doctor and she walked in the room and asked how I was doing. I told her how much, much, much better I was feeling, and how I was healed. I told her about how Brother Jackson was raised from the dead, and she was super amazed. I started praising the Lord in the room, and I thought she was going to praise Him with me! She was smiling like crazy, and almost to the point of tears. She had me re-take that depression test, and the result was the total opposite! She said that she had never seen such a dramatic change in a month before!

I gave her a few witnessing cards, and she wanted to check into them. She was very respectful and wanted to hear more of the Word. Praise the Lord! I cannot stop smiling! I have changed from who I was, and my mom says it is very noticeable. I am so thankful to the Lord for healing me.

The Lord Bless You All!

A young sister in Jeffersonville.