Prayer Cloth

The greatest of the miracles that I have ever knowed of being performed, was when the people sent in little prayer cloths—or we sent them to them—and they were healed; send thousands of those weekly all over the world.

60-0417S I Know

Here are a few testimonies we received about God working through prayer clothes.

My wife and I don't have enough words to fully express our joy and gratitude to the Lord! The Lord God of our prophet, Brother William Branham, is indeed the living God! We have been trying for a baby for over five years without any sign of pregnancy.

On the 11th of November, 2016, I sent the prayer request and asked for a prayer cloth after reading a testimony from Bro. Mark in India whose wife had been barren for many years until the Lord heard her prayer after wearing the prayer cloth for a month. When I was reading that testimony, I said to myself, "My wife is in a similar situation, so I believe if only I get a prayer cloth and get my wife wearing it for a month, she will conceive." I quickly sent an email to VGR for the prayer cloth.

The Lord is marvelous indeed!

After wearing it for two months the Lord answered our prayer and my wife is expecting! The Lord Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever!

Many thanks to all saints who were praying. I believe I shall soon be sharing another great testimony, as I am praying for healing of my body now and wearing the same prayer cloth. I believe this is going to be the end of my numerous hospital appointments I take.

May the Lord richly bless you all

Bro Mak


My father has had a very sore place on his ear for two months. He tried to doctor it himself but it only got worse. He went to his doctor, and there he was told, with certainty, that it was cancer and would have to be removed. The procedure was explained to my dad, that a half inch would have to be taken from his ear, and skin from his neck would be removed to replace skin to his ear. He attends a Baptist church, and has been a wonderful loving father and husband. I put a prayer request in, on March 29th. This was the same day my mom received her prayer cloth in the mail. She asked my dad if he would use the prayer cloth and he agreed. My mom laid the prayer cloth on him in the night. Two days later, on March 31, my dad went to a different doctor for a second opinion. This doctor sounded much different than the first one. He told my dad that he wasn't so sure that the area on his ear was cancer. (The first doctor was 100% sure that is was). After he left the office, a scab came off of his ear! My dad's ear continues to improve more every day. It was painful before and now it does not bother him! My dad was HEALED!

Sister Amy

I, Sister Ruth Lifoa, living in the province of Equator in DRC (Congo), had a disease that makes me scratch my whole body to the point of hurting myself, until I met a missionary who spoke to me about the prayer cloth. I believed it and he prayed for me, and I wore it on me. Right at that moment, instantly, I received my healing. I am doing really good since, and appreciate sending these prayer clothes.

Blessed be the Name of Lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to the God of William Branham.

Sister Ruth Lifoa

I gave life to five children before, and none of them lived more than a week after their birth. Twice they were stillborn, and the three others only lived a day or two and then died. When I was pregnant for the sixth time, the doctors told me to not even bother to prepare for the coming of the child, as he would surely be a stillborn baby again. But, I met a missionary who told me of the prayer cloth and what was said in Acts 19:11-12. I put my faith into action, and I calmly gave birth this time to a big healthy baby, more than two months ago.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sister Likango