It has been 43 years since God called His prophet
home, but his Ministry did not stop on that fateful day in 1965. He
prophesied, “these tapes will live when I’m gone.” And that is exactly
what they are doing. The Voice of the Seventh Angel is going throughout
the world calling to the Bride of Christ, but there are many souls
waiting to hear this Voice for the first time.
It is the ministry of Voice Of God Recordings to make the
Voice of Revelation 10:7 available to every person on the face of the
earth. This newly-designed website is dedicated to that ministry.
Through testimonies, updates, videos, and pictures, we hope to keep you
informed of how the Message is spreading into all the world.
The “Good News” section will continue to be updated about three times
each week. The new format will allow us to post larger and
higher-resolution pictures. The text will be in a larger page, making it
easier to follow. We will also have a “Feedback” function on each
article. We are looking forward to receiving your comments on which
articles touched your hearts and how we can do a better job in reporting
about the Work of the Lord. Feedback is anonymous, so make sure to leave
your email address if you want us to respond.
Along with the Good News, there will also be a special
interest article located at the bottom of the homepage. This article,
In The Spotlight, will be updated about every other week, and will be
dedicated to a certain area of the world or a special project. The first
of these articles is dedicated to the work in the Philippines. We will
start with a short introduction to the country, then introduce the
office manager, and later go into the unique aspects of missionary work
in the Philippines.
If you miss the Quote Of
The Day, don’t worry. The past two weeks will be available. We
will also post the text along with the quote, so you can read along with
the quote and easily copy the text into
The Table on your computer to play more of the sermon.
We are especially happy to introduce our multimedia page.
Brother Branham’s sermons will be available to stream and download.
We have the seed library available for download and all sermons
available to stream. We consider it a great honor to make these sermons
available online at the same quality as you would receive if you ordered
them from VGR. We have also loaded the English books onto the site, and they
are available for download in PDF format. These sermons are not intended
to replace The Table, but if you do not have access to the CDs and you
have an internet connection, you will now be able to hear the Voice no
matter where you are. The page also has some familiar
videos, which we are sure will be a blessing to you.
The Prayer Request and
Contact Us pages have changed a little to make forwarding your
emails more efficient. Like always, we love to receive your testimonies
on our Contact Us link. Please make sure to give us permission
to use the testimony if you would like it posted.
There is a revised
sponsorship page. Not only do you have the option of making
a general donation or sponsoring a Lighthouse package, but we have also
made it possible for you to come up with your own project as the Lord
leads. We are excited to hear what the Lord has placed upon your heart.
There is a lot more than we can list in this short introduction, so
please take a little time and tour the new site.
We could never make a website that is good enough for the Bride of
Christ or would be worthy of the wonderful Gospel that God has given us
in this last day. No testimony, picture, or magazine could ever take the
place of one Word from God’s prophet. Our mission is to make Brother
Branham’s books and tapes available to the predestinated of God. We hope
that this new website will help to give you a better connection to the
glorious end-time work that you are supporting.