
We've heard a lot of eBooks lately, but most of us still have the question, "What are these things?"

An eBook is a book in electronic form. This means that you can open the book and read it on a variety of devices including a computer, a smart phone, and a dedicated eBook reader. The way to get an eBook is to download it from an eBook store on the internet. VGR does not directly sell eBooks or eBook readers.

In case you were wondering: no, we are not going to replace printed books with eBooks. The vast majority of believers around the world don't have eBooks, and they may never have them. It's just another way to get the Message into the hands of God's people.

There are a lot of advantages to eBooks, namely, you can have all of Brother Branham's sermons in one, tiny, portable reading device. They may seem complicated, but once you have the files loaded onto your reader, they are really pretty simple. So where do you start?

Voice Of God Recordings has published all the sermons of Brother Branham in 14 separate "eBooks" at three different eBook stores: Kindle Store, the NOOKbook Store and Apple iBook Store. These are the three major eBook vendors, and all are accessed via the internet. You can read these eBooks on three different types of devices: computers, smart Phones, and eBook readers. None of these are sold by VGR.

Now the question arises, “Which eBook reader should I get?” There are so many different eBooks and device combinations that it is impossible to test them all. In addition, everyone seems to have his or her own needs. “I want the Message in my pocket so I will always have it with me,” or “I want a large screen so I can see the words easier.” Others might want the sermons on their cell phones, or simply the most inexpensive way to have all the sermons in one place. It all depends on how you would use the device and your comfort level with technology, as well as what devices you may already have. All options require a little bit of technical knowledge to set up properly, so the choice may come down to the amount of technology support you have from friends or family.

One way to get started would be to visit BestBuy, Barnes and Noble, and the Apple store to see the Kindle, NOOK, and iPad in action. Then you might want to download the different free apps (programs that will allow you to read an eBook) to your cell phone or computer. This will allow you to check out each app so you get the one you like best.

There are two steps to having the Message in eBook format:

1. Purchase the eBook reading device

2. Purchase and install the sermons from their eBook store. For example, if you purchase the Kindle, then go to the Amazon Kindle store and purchase the Message books to load onto your new device. You will always purchase eBooks online, so you must have a way to connect your reading device to the internet.

The second biggest question is, “How much will an eBook cost?” The devices range from free (if you already own a compatible smart phone) to $829 for a top-of-the-line iPad. The total cost for all the sermons is $28, regardless of the device. There is a total of 14 eBooks to have all the sermons. Each eBook is $1.99 and has one year’s worth of sermons. This means that one eBook contains all of the sermons in 1965. Another one contains all of 1964, and so on.

Note that you must have an eBook reader (Kindle, Nook, Ipad, etc) to read an eBook. And you will need an internet connection to download the eBook onto your reader. If you don't have the internet at home, free wireless internet connections are very common and can be found at many fast-food restaurants, libraries, and internet cafes.

eBook readers are made to read, not to search the Message. You might be able to do a simple search, but they will not replace The Table for research. For more information, see our "Tech Section" on the Table.

All this may sound intimidating, but don't worry, we'll keep the presses rolling.