The Little (Big) Things

What’s more important, getting our way or our Christian testimony? No matter how right we may be, our testimony comes first.

Recently, I read the story you'd provided about the "Little Things" regarding the brother and his computer. Little did I know that I'd face a similar situation in which a little thing became a big thing. What I found out was that the same God who handles big things and little things can also handle little things that become big!

A couple of days ago, I sent a prayer request to VGR and to several Message families and friends about a messy situation involving a developer in my neighborhood. He was burning timber during very dry days and in close proximity to the houses. Since I don't live within city limits, no burning laws exist, and despite due legal diligence, the home owners association determined that it was legally unable to enforce association rules against it. Not only has this been an ongoing fire hazard, it has created great physical discomfort for me when walking my dog, because I'm terribly allergic to smoke. Since I'm the only one available to walk her, I had no choice but to endure it.

Two days ago while on one of our walks, I took pictures of what was happening to have evidence in case anything went wrong. Three of the crew approached me in a very hostile manner, including one who raised his fist to me and threatened me with physical harm (I'll leave out the exact phrasing). In response, I stood my ground in a firm way (probably too firmly), explaining why this situation was hazardous and unhealthy amid a pile of excuses and nonsense. We eventually parted ways, and they continued burning.

Meanwhile, I was working every angle I could through the county commission and fire protection district, and I do believe they were doing or planning to do everything they could to try to help me, even though the law was clearly on the side of the developer. Fortunately, the next day was windy and rainy, so the burning stopped.

While walking my dog in the rain that evening, the main developer who'd threatened me, drove by in his van and saw me. He pulled over, and I thought, “Oh, boy, this mess is about to start all over again!” To my utter amazement, he was all smiles, and said, “Sir, I’m sorry about how I acted yesterday. I’m a Christian, and I got to thinking about what I said to you and felt really bad, and I’m sorry.” I almost fainted. I told him I understood, and that we all get bent out of shape and say things we don’t mean when we get angry. I also told him that I was sorry, too, and that my attitude and approach were way out of line, and that it made me feel bad the rest of the day and night after it happened. I shook his hand and introduced myself, and he did the same.

Nothing was said about the burning, which I still contend is hazardous and unhealthy, but if God can work like that on a human heart, I will leave all the rest to Him! I truly appreciate the prayers and ask for continued prayers about the ongoing burning situation to be diminished completely. God really does some unusual things, as His prophet said He did. I still can’t process it, but I’m very thankful, and "little things" and "big things" alike ALL matter to Him!