Contact Information
Office Contact:

Shamoon Yaqoob

Office Address:

E-227 Defence View Phase II

Country Demographics

Islamabad (administrative capital)


Punjabi 44.17%, Pashto 15.44%, Sindhi 15.35%, Saraiki 10.42%, Urdu 7.59%, Balochi 3.59%, Others 3.59%. The official languange is English and the national language is Urdu.

Over 97% of the population of Pakistan is Muslim and the remaining 3% is Christian, Hindu, and others. Muslims: 181,723,000 Christians: 2,700,000 (approx. 1.8%) Hindus: 1,800,000 (approx. 1.6% Ahmadiyya in Pakistan Buddhists: 106,989 Sikhs: 30,000 Zoroastrian/Parsis: 25,000 Jews: 200 Animists, Baha'i, Atheists: n/a

Life Expectancy:
66.28 years

GDP per-capita:

Of Interest:
Republic of Pakistan is a sovereign country in South Asia. With a population exceeding 180 million people, it is the sixth most populous country and with an area covering 796,095 km2 (307,374 sq mi), it is the 36th largest country in the world in terms of area. Pakistan has a 1,046-kilometre (650 mi) coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by India to the east, Afghanistan to the west, Iran to the southwest and China in the far northeast. It is separated from Tajikistan by Afghanistan's narrow Wakhan Corridor in the north, and also shares a marine border with Oman.

Office Staff

Shamoon Yaqoob

Office Manager

Manager History:

John15:16 - Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you.

Brother Branham said: If God sends you, He'll take care of you. If He hasn't sent you, then let the denomination take care of you then, but if God sends you, He'll take care of you. 
(Questions & Answers On The Holy Ghost)

In 1995, I accepted Lord Jesus Christ as my personal saviour in the Pentecostal denominational church and I was baptized in the name of Lord Jesus Christ and got the Holy Spirit same day by the grace of Lord Jesus Christ.

In 1996 I resigned from my job and went to seminary at New Life Theological seminary Pentecostal organization institute situated in Lahore city Punjab Pakistan. In 1999 I did my graduation in theology and came back to my hometown city Karachi. After that I stayed in prayer and fasting and ask God please tell me what is my ministry and your will for me?

During those days one brother named Pervez Shera came to me for prayer, he had problem in his heart and doctors told him that he needs an operation. But he continually came to me for prayer till one day by the grace of God he was healed. Then he invited me to his home for prayers to his family too, but his family was greatly possessed by demons. When I prayed for them they got free from demons then whole family accepted Lord Jesus Christ as their personal saviour by the grace of God.

When people knew that many of them came to me for prayers and listening the Word of God. Most of them were accepting God and repenting from their sins. I did not have Church building that time so I started meetings home to home and many people got blessings and they were satisfy serving Lord but I was not fully satisfy in denomination. So I used to stay in prayer seven hours a day and asking God for satisfaction in my soul and my destination in the kingdom of God. From 1999 till July 2002 I was working under the banner of United Pentecostal church in Pakistan.

In 2002 I heard the name of Brother William Branham by my Trinitarian friend he told me little bit about Brother Branham and his ministry. So I started searching about Brother Branham, his teachings and his ministry, then I got some books of Brother Branham by one denominational Pastor. So I started studying those books skeptically, When I was reading the book “Life Story” I began weeping during the reading because Holy Spirit touching my heart and convicting me. I wept almost half an hour and then my wife asked me what happened to you? I said I don't know but my life was changed that night after that I read the book “The restoration of the bride tree” and some more books then I decided that I will leave the denomination and believe the message of the Hour. So in 2003 I resigned to United Pentecostal denominational church and accept the Message of Hour by the grace of the God. It was so much great privileged and honored for me because I was first message believer pastor in the biggest city of Pakistan called Karachi. After that I started arranging seminars, Conventions and programs across Karachi City to spread the Message of Life. Now by His grace we have more than 200 message believers in our fellowship and seven ministers working with message in Karachi city and God gave us two church buildings in only Karachi City. In the beginning I was alone but I felt power and truth in the Message of the hour because bible said: “You shall know the truth and truth shall make you free”. Thanks God for the blessings of End Time Message and supernatural ministry of Brother Branham in this lukewarm age of the church. I am fully agreed and believe the Message of the prophet with whole my heart and souls. This is the exact revelation and restored truth of the Word of God. Amen!

By His grace I have baptized hundreds of people in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ including denominational people and non-Christians. God did many miracles in my life and in ministry and recently he is doing wonderful deeds in the lives of many people through the Message of the hour, It is transforming lives , they are leaving denominations and accepting End time message of the prophet of this last age. Hallelujah and glory to His blessed name!

I travelled two/three times a year to different cities and villages of Pakistan for outreach with the message materials. Sometimes I have to travel 24-36 hours to reach to the people with the Message of the hour in areas where there are believers. I am looking forward for great harvest through this powerful Message of the hour. I am very glad and fully satisfy with the Message of the hour and thanks God for the message and messenger. The Message of Eternal life is preparing us for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

May God richly, abundantly and exceedingly bless you and yours. My faithful prayer is for each one of you that Lord Jesus Christ reveals more and more revelation upon you and draws you closer to Him.


Brother Shamoon Yaqoob,

Voice of God recordings


Brother Patrus Yaqoob Translator

Greetings the most Gracious name of Lord Jesus Christ,

My name is Patrus Yaqoob and I was born and brought up as a Catholic family. Later on, I joined a Pentecostal denominational church and never knew what Message was, In 1994 I had a friend who told me about Brother Branham and recommended me to read the Spoken Word; I read the Book “Why are we not a Denomination” that book left a great impact on my life and I started reading more books of Brother William Marrion Branham, therefore I came to know of the END TIME MESSAGE and the prophet of the hour Malachi 4-5.

I left the denominational church and accepted the Message by God’s grace I received knowledge of the correct baptism as in Acts 2:38 and I was baptized in the name of Lord Jesus Christ and since then, me and family are living our lives according to the Word and this Message; for sure this Message is only the truth and the revealed Word of this hour, through this Message we came to know about the revelations being revealed, mysteries being unfold, prophecies being fulfilled and we have seen His Word coming to pass which was spoken by His very Own Eagle Prophet “Brother William Marrion Branham”.

I have been working with VGR since 2012 as a translator and each day it has been a blessing serving our Lord’s purpose with full sincerity, and every single day working in VGR grows me spiritually and helps me to stay right with His Word and follow His will and purpose He has for me. It’s a great privilege and honor for me to be working with VGR.

May God Blessings upon you all.

Brother Razzak Masih Caretaker

Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

I am Brother Razzak Masih and I was born and raised in a Catholic Family, my family was totally Catholic and since my childhood till my grown up age I was all into Catholic, I was living a worldly life, not walking the right path which I was supposed to, I was just living a life without Christ until 2013, when I met Brother Shamoon Yaqoob and he offered me a job at Voice of God Recordings, I started working there and while working there, Brother Shamoon use to discuss the Word of the Hour, of how we should not be in any denomination but we are ought to live our lives according the Word.

My interest for this Message started to grow and I started listening to the Tapes which helped me know the exact Sign of this Time, about the Prophet (Malachi 4:5), about the revelations, about the Water Baptism and much more. I felt the calling from the Lord that He has a purpose for me to fulfill.

Therefore by the end of Year (2014), I accepted the Message and got baptized in the name of Lord Jesus Christ according to Acts 2:38, and from that time I have been living my life truly and completely in this Message, and serving my life for His work and ministry, and truly I can say If I would have never joined Voice of God Recordings, I would have been lost until now, but all Glory to God how He calls His very own (The predestinated ones). It’s been 8 years since am working with VGR (Pakistan) and it’s has really been a privilege and blessing to work with Voice of God.

God richly bless you!

Brother Reinhard Shamoon Translator

Shalom! I am Brother Reinhard Shamoon and I was born and raised in this Message, even though being in Message I wasn’t living the right kind of life, as a teenager there were so many people who influenced me towards the worldly stuff but I couldn’t stay there for long, I tried and tried to walk the right path with the Lord but I always stumbled and fall, but year 2013 I finally decided to walk right with the Lord because I wanted Him to be the Center of my Life, I wanted Him to guide me, to lead me, Therefore later that year I got Baptized and surrendered my life to Lord.

In Year 2014, I joined Voice of God Recordings and since then my life had never been the same, I started listening to the Tapes of our Prophet, and it was “The Prisoner” which I first heard, I was so blessed with the Tape I heard, felt like that was spoken for me, and since then I’ve been continuing listening to Tapes because it’s our Stored up food in this due season and truly every single time I “Press Play” I feel something inside me, something inside me keeps telling me I don’t belong here. It’s been a privilege to do our Father’s Business and serve His purpose He has kept for us.

I’m so glad that I can say “Am one of them” and it’s nothing but the Grace of our Almighty Lord who has been blessing His Bride every single day that we have access to hear our Bridegroom’s Voice, All Glory to our Lord.

God bless you all!

Brother Paul Shamoon Assistant, Volunteer

Greetings in most precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ

My name is Brother Paul Shamoon and I was born and raised in this Message, growing up, studying in high School, I had plenty of worldly friends which influenced me to do stuff which wasn’t appropriate and even being in the Message, I was so far from the Lord and totally shifted the opposite way, but I never missed any services from the church, in church I use to hear the Preaching, Tapes of the Prophet, and in 2016 I truly felt the presence of Almighty one in my life while I was hearing the Tape “ The Token” that message impacted my life and did a great work so I kept listening to the Message and I started spending time in Word around believers, I was so inspired spending time and I noticed that am growing Spiritually. I started telling the Message of Hour to my friends then but no one agreed with me and I was all alone but I made friends in the Church with the Brothers and Sisters those who are in Message and I spent quality time with them speaking about our Lord. Year 2017 I got baptism in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ and since then I know there are so many temptations which Satan tries to put my way but I stand the Identified Group of this age and am so glad to be the part of this Message.

I joined VGR in 2019 and since then it’s been truly a blessing spending my time in the Word whole day, getting to know more things regarding this Message, and my Faith is so building so strong since then, truly it’s a great privilege to be the part of this great team and working with them.

God bless you all!

Office History

I was traveling to Punjab province for the meetings, in train I was reading Brother Branham’s book titled “Go tell to my disciples” and a man was sitting with me. He asked me what you are reading brother. I showed him the book; he asked me if he can read that book? I said sure why not but little while he returned the book disheartened and said I cannot read English.  That time I felt hurt deep within my heart that we need to translate this precious message of the hour into Urdu language so more and more people could read and understand the message.

In the beginning of 2007 I wrote an email to VGR requesting that we want to start a Message library for the Christian people in Karachi. I got a reply with the VGR contact. So I wrote an email to VGR about our desire to start a library in Karachi Pakistan. VGR wrote that we put the request for Pakistan before Brother Joseph Branham and he will pray in that matter and we will wait upon Lord and His leadership in that matter. Then the communication was stopped from us, later in 2008 we contacted Voice of God recordings again  and still prayers were going on and Brother Joseph was waiting to hear from Lord about the Voice of God recordings work in Pakistan.

In 2009, we had opportunity to host a some brothers, they stayed with us in Karachi two weeks. During that time we had two weeks meetings and they saw the work of God in different suburbs across Karachi. They blessed us greatly by the ministry of the Word of God and they were mightily blessed also to see the ministry work in Karachi, Pakistan.  We desired to take them to other cities too, but there were few difficulties stopped us to do so. We depart them with great hope to see them again and then we will take them to other cities of Pakistan by God willing.

When the Brothers returned to the United States of America, they started communicate with Voice of God recordings Jeffersonville Indiana and gave the report about Pakistan and preferred me as the Minister of God in this Islamic country. By the grace of God, prayers and labor of saints produced the fruit and our prayers were answered. We heard good news that God answered our prayers and Voice of God recordings contacted me and Brother Joseph Branham is willing and happy to go ahead for the work of Voice of God recordings in Pakistan. This was very great and blessed news for me and believers of the Message in Pakistan. We are greatly thankful and appreciate Lord our God and Brother Joseph Branham for this great work of God in this last age and the message of life for the dying humanity.

In the end of year 2011, I received emails from VGR that blessed me richly every time and got all the information about the work of Voice of God recordings. The Voice of God recordings office was established in January 2012 in Karachi, when we got approval from Brother Joseph Branham after many prayers from all sides. We had been praying for this great work of God since many years. Thanks God because He heard our prayers and answered our requests when Voice of God recordings started work here in Pakistan. The believers were very glad when they heard that Voice of God recordings has started the translation work into our national language called Urdu. Since the establishment of the work of Translation and Voice of God recordings office in Karachi many believers have drawn nearer to God in their daily lives and having more clear understandings of the Message of the hour. Voice of God recordings office in Karachi is sending the Message materials in all the provinces of Pakistan (Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and overseas too to the Urdu speaking Bride of Lord JESUS Christ.  Many denominational ministers and people are visiting our office and getting blessings of End Time Gospel and it is great opportunity for us to share the Message of eternal life to the people living in this Loadceain church age without the Revelation of Lord Jesus Christ.

We are greatly and highly appreciate and thankful to our Lord JESUS Christ for all His goodness and mercy upon us and His wonderful and amazing grace.

We greatly appreciate Brother Joseph Branham, Brother Billy Paul Branham, and all the saints at Voice of God Recordings in Jeffersonville, Indiana and around the globe their zeal and labor in the kingdom of God with the Message of the hour. Our faithful and fervent prayers always with each one of you and Voice of God Recordings, that His will be done in our lives as we work in His vineyard till He comes.

Brother Shamoon Yaqoob,

Voice of God Recordings,

Karachi, Pakistan
