Contact Information
Office Contact:

Arthur Vass

Office Address:

P.O.Box 23933
Windhoek 9000

Business: 9264-61-229852
Fax: 9264-61-260410

Country Demographics



English 7% (official), Afrikaans common language of most of the population and about 60% of the white population, German 32%, indigenous languages 1% (includes Oshivambo, Herero, Nama)

Christian 80% to 90% (Lutheran 50% at least), indigenous beliefs 10% to 20%

Life Expectancy:
49.89 years

GDP per-capita:

Of Interest:
Other than Mongolia, Namibia is the least densely populated country in the world (2.5 inhabitants per square kilometre (6.5 sq. mi). First country in the world to incorporate the protection of the environment into its constitution; some 14% of the land is protected.

Southern Africa, bordering the South Atlantic Ocean, between Angola and South Africa

Office Staff

Arthur Vass

Office Manager

Manager History:

After a terrible life of wondering aimlessly in sin with a suicidal mind, God came my way by a dream. I dreamed I walked in a desert, and saw one lonely tree with shade. As I approached, I saw a bag laying underneath the tree and picked it up. As I folded my hand around it, I felt a thorn prick my hand from inside the bag. In the bag was blood, and I thought someone left Aids infected blood purposely to kill me. Underneath the bag laid a paper signed by Ezekiel. I thought God wanted to kill me for the way I lived, and tried to stay as far as I could from the Bible. The dream scared me so much till my fears drove me to sickness. Finally one Sunday afternoon, I gathered enough courage and began to read the Bible. Later I went to a service of a Pentecostal preacher. He preached the sermon, which today I am sure he copied from Brother Branham,“ As The Eagle Stirreth The Nest." I was delivered from a life of sin. Instead of death, I saw many miracle's; like petrol appearing supernaturally in the tank of my car twice when I had need of it. Then I left my work as a Policeman in 1996 to be nearer to God. When a brother in the Message, Brother Kenny Kariko, a bosom friend of mine, heard that, he sent me a box full of Message material. He later baptized me in the Orange River and the Message became my life. In April, 2005, I began working for Voice of God Namibia. I was appointed office manager in 2005 when brother Innocent Muwawa Munganga, the previous manager, emigrated to the U.S.A.

Office History

Voice of God Library Namibia was started in 2001 by Brother Martin John Mouton at the present location. The office is located in the central business area, just off the Independence main road in Garten Street. It is easily accessible to all sectors of the society. The staff salaries and building rent was paid by Brother Mouton till 2003, when Voice of God took over. Sadly, brother Mouton went to be with the Lord Jesus in 2003. The office rents two rooms; one smaller room for the storage and one larger room for the library itself. It has seating capacity for about 12 people, with listening devices for those who wish to hear the Voice of the 7th Angel. It operates eight and one-half hours a day, Monday through Thursday, and 7 hours on Friday. Office members often do outreach work locally to spread the Message. The office has telephone, fax, and internet.
