Contact Information
Office Contact:

Anderson Vieira

Office Address:

Rua Goiabeiras, 151
Chácaras São José
São José Dos Campos, SP 12227-560

Country Demographics


202 million

Portuguese (official), Spanish, English, French

About three quarters of all Brazilians belong to the Roman Catholic Church. Most others are Protestant or follow practices derived from African religions.

Life Expectancy:
74.6 years

GDP per-capita:

Of Interest:
Brazil occupies 8,515,767 sq km or 47% of South America. It is the only country in the Americas where Portuguese is spoken and the largest Portuguese speaking country in the world. Besides, it is one of the most multicultural and ethnically diverse nations as a result of immigration from a large number of nations. The coast is 9,198 km in extension bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. The majority of the Amazon rainforest is contained within Brazil with its 60% of rainforest, which is home to approximately 30,000 species of plants (10% of the world’s total) with a huge variety of animals, birds and fish.

It shares a common border with every South American country except Chile and Ecuador, totaling 15,179 km long.

Eastern South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean 

Office Staff

Anderson Vieira

Office Manager

Manager History:

I was born in 1973 to a non-practicing Catholic family. I had the opportunity to travel to Europe where I visited several places, and among them, the Vatican in Rome. In the year 2000 I learned of the Message, where I worked at a car assembly plant, through a brother named Jose Marcio who introduced It to me by saying that God had sent a prophet. Since then I have believed the prophet of God and His Message. In 2011 I was invited to apply for the position of distributor for the office. After the interviewing process, I received word that I had been chosen to be the new distributor. I confess that it was not easy once I realized such a great responsibility of distributing the spiritual Food in due season to the believers of Brazil was upon my shoulders.

I am thankful to the Lord for allowing me to believe in the Message and His messenger.

God bless you brothers and sisters!

Office History

The first office was established in 1993 in Niterói, state of Rio de Janeiro. In November 2005, the office was moved to São José dos Campos, State of São Paulo, just 50 minutes from the state capital, the city of São Paulo. In 2010 in response to the request of many brothers and sisters of Brazil, Brother Joseph decided it was time for us to purchase our own building so we could better serve the Bride of Christ in this country. In 2011 we moved to our new and modern office. We currently have many addresses of believers on our mailing list and that number is continually growing.
