Contact Information
Office Contact:

Jorge Jara

Office Address:

Casilla de Correo 13070
Shopping del Sol

Country Demographics

Country Demographics



Spanish (official), Guarani (official)

Roman Catholic 89.6%, Protestant 6.2%, other Christian 1.1%, other or unspecified 1.9%, none 1.1%

Life Expectancy:
75.56 years

GDP per-capita:

Of Interest:
The southeastern border is formed by the Paraná River, containing the Itaipu dam shared with Brazil. It is currently the largest hydroelectric power plant in the world, generating all the electricity required by Paraguay. Between this power plant and others, Paraguay has become the world's largest exporter of hydroelectric power.

Central South America, northeast of Argentina

Office Staff

Jorge Jara

Office Manager

Manager History:

Brother Jara, a doctor of Nuclear Medicine by profession, is also a pastor and the distributor for Voice Of God for Paraguay and Uruguay. Our brother has been working with us for over 17 years and has been a great blessing to the believers and the work being done in Paraguay. Brother Jara keeps very busy as he assists at the University Hospital, operates his own medical clinic and pastors a church of 250 people. On the weekends, he goes to the rural areas and distributes the books and tapes.The Lord made it possible for Brother Jorge to learn English when he was in Chicago, Illinois attending medical school. Because of his ability to speak English, he was able to translate for Brother Joseph when he was in Argentina in 1989. A father of four children, he has a great love for the people. This is evident in his medical practice and the great sacrifice and effort he makes to distribute the Message to those in his country and Uruguay. As a doctor of nuclear medicine, Brother Jara has traveled to foreign countries for medical conferences and this has provided him the opportunity to be of help to us and the believers where he has visited.

  • Jorge Jara - Office Manager
  • Joseph Jara
  • Elias Jara
Office History

The library was initially opened in 1989 in room of 20 square meters in the city of Marciano Roque Alonso, on General Santos 174 street. Over the years, the work steadily grew, which required moving into a bigger place. At one point we moved to a  shed as a new building. The office distribute for Paraguayan, Uruguayan, and Brazilian people part of the bride of the lord. In 1989, 30 different churches were located in Paraguay. Since that time 30 more new churches have been established. We have been distributing tapes, Bibles, books, tracks, tape recorders, solar cell units.,Cds and now the e-card technology with the message in Spanish for free. These will be available for the entire believers of Paraguay and Uruguay.


Since 1989, more that 1500 new brothers and sisters has been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. we appreciate the help and continued support of the voice of god recordings to reach the souls of the elect with fresh food in this part of the world.